Bundesverband der Unfallkassen Legal Accident Insurance for Schoolchildren in Germany Jutta Busch Bundesverband der Unfallkassen
Who is assured Pupil’s accident insurance (17,5 Mio) » Children in crèche, kindergarten, day Nursery » Students in schools and Universities (28 Mio. persons)
Bundesverband der Unfallkassen What is covered? Participation at lessons Recreations other school events (i. e. sport competitions, excursions) vocational stages Way from/to school
Bundesverband der Unfallkassen Benefits optimal medical treatment occupational and social Rehabilitation pensions compensations in case of death
Bundesverband der Unfallkassen Accident occurrence in schools Ca. 1,6 Mio. Accidents 50 % Sport 30 % Recreation 10 % Lessons 10 % Way to/from school
Bundesverband der Unfallkassen Compensation ca. 380 Million €
Bundesverband der Unfallkassen Preventive measures rTechnique rOrganisation rEducation
Bundesverband der Unfallkassen Teachers aids rmagazines rBrochures rFolder rSafety rules rInformation rFilms