Septembre 2005 SBL74 : un double spike de Plomb Une collaboration Brest-Southampton Laure Dosso 1 Rex Taylor 2 Osamu Ishizuka 2 * 1 CNRS-UMR 6538, Brest 2 Southampton Oceanography Centre, England *Geological Survey of Japan, Ibaraki, Japan
Septembre 2005 Le spike sa fabrication 207 PbCO % 204 PbCO % SBL74 : “Southampton-Brest Lead Concentration : 7 ng/ l
Septembre 2005 sa composition Brest9, ,71291,86007 SOC 1 9, ,71161,86043 DLC 2 9, ,73351, Pb/206Pb207Pb/206Pb208Pb/206Pb 1 Southampton Oceanographic Center 2 Danish Lithosphere Center
Septembre 2005 mesure NBS981 mesure mélange (NBS981 et SBL74) calcul composition NBS981 Le standard NBS 981
Septembre 2005 comparaison inter-labos du NBS 981
Septembre 2005 NBS 981
Septembre 2005 les standards de roche JB2
Septembre 2005 JB2
Septembre 2005 MAPCO DR11 (MORB)
Septembre 2005 la disponibilité 100 ml : 1250 Euros ( container and postage included ) 2 microlitres/échantillon mesures! Vancouver, Canada Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique Geological Survey of Japan, Japan University of California Santa Cruz, USA Danish Lithosphere Centre, Denmark NIGL Keyworth, UK SURRC, UK Nanjing University, China University of Iowa, USA BRGM, Orléans, France Geomar, Kiel, Germany
Septembre Les publis de référence Hofmann, 1971 Fractionation correction for mixed isotope spikes of Sr, K and Pb, Earth Planet.Sci. Lett. 10, Hamelin et al., 1985 Precise lead isotope measurements by the double spike technique : a reconsideration, Geoch.Cosmoch. Acta 49, Woodhead, 1995 Routine lead isotope determinations using a Pb 207-Pb204 double spike : a long term assessment of analytical precision and accuracy: Analyst 20, Habfast, 1998 Fractionation correction and multiple collectors in thermal ionization isotope ratio mass spectrometry: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 176, Galer, 1999 Optimal double and triple spiking for high precision lead isotopic measurement: Chem Geol, 57,
Septembre 2005 Les plus récentes Johnson et Beard, 1999 Correction of instrumentally produced mass fractionation during isotopic analysis of Fe by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry: Int. J. Mass Spectrom,193, Thirlwall, 2000 Inter-laboratory and other errors in Pb isotope analyses investigated using a Pb207-Pb204 double spike: Chem Geol, 163, Doucelance et Manhès, 2001 Reevaluation of precise lead isotope measurements by thermal ionization mass spectrometry: comparison with determinations by plasma source mass spectrometry: Chem Geol, 176, Ishizuka et al., 2003 Fluid-mantle interaction in an intra-oceanic arc: constraints from high-precision Pb isotopes: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 211, Baker et al., 2004 Pb isotopic analysis of standards and samples using a 207Pb-204Pb double spike and thallium to correct for mass bias with a double- focusing MC-ICP-MS, Chemical Geology, 211, Vlastelic et Dosso, 2005, Initiation of a plume-ridge interaction in the South Pacific recorded by high-precision Pb isotopes along Hollister Ridge, G3 vol 6, 5.