GCSE French Revision WJEC SCHOOL: Classroom Objects & Facilities Instructions: Read the French word and try to guess what it means. Click once to see if you were correct. Click again to see the next word. Keep a score and see if you can improve on next time or compare with your friends. *Verbs are indicated by an asterix.
allumer* To light/switch on
L’atelier workshop
Le bâtiment building
La bibliothèque library
Le bol bowl
Le bureau office
Le cahier Exercise book
La calculatrice calculator
La cantine canteen
Le cartable School satchel / bag
La cassette cassette
Le centre de documentation et d’information (CDI) Resource/information centre (LRC)
Le CES Secondary school
La chaise chair
charger* To load / charge
La chose thing
Le classeur file
Le clavier keyboard
La colle Glue / detention
Le collège School (11-15)
Le concierge caretaker
La copie Copy / pupil’s work
Le couloir corridor
La craie chalk
Le crayon pencil
Le dictionnaire dictionary
Le directeur / la directrice Headteacher / director
La disquette disk
Le/la documentaliste librarian
L’école school
L’écran screen
L’emploi du temps timetable
L’enseignant teacher
La feuille Leaf/sheet (of paper)
Le feutre Felt tip pen
La gomme rubber
Le gymnase gymnasium
L’imprimante printer
L’instituteur/ institutrice Primary school teacher
Le laboratoire laboratory
Les locaux premises
Le lycée High school (15-18)
Le machin thing
Le magnétophone Tape recorder
Le magnétoscope Video recorder
Le matériel scolaire School equipment
La maternelle Nursery school
L’ordinateur computer
Le pion School supervisor / pawn
La piscine Swimming pool
Le principal principal
Le professeur teacher
Le proviseur headmaster
Le rétroprojecteur Overhead projector
La salle room
La salle omnisports Sports hall
Le/la secrétaire secretary
La sonnerie bell
Le/la stagiaire Training course member
Le stylo pen
Le surveillant supervisor
La table table
Le tableau board
Le truc thing
L’uniforme uniform
Le vestiaire Changing room / cloakroom