Français 2, 24 Novembre 2014 Use your first draft of dialogue 12-3 to practice for orale What do you call an ant that skips school? L’Animal de companie – pet. Les animaux de companie sont interdits ici. Pets are prohibited here. Goals – Work on giving and asking directions. Obstacle course! Les Devoirs – Final draft dialogue 12-3.
Français 2, 25 Novembre 2014 Cinq minutes preparer orale What do you call a fish with two knees? Sauvage – wild. Ils vivent à l’état sauvage. They live wild. Goals – Submit Dialogue Complete Les Devoirs – Read the french student responses on the Wiki. Prepare a response to the students, in french.
Français 2, 26 Novembre 2014 Get on the computers and go to the wiki. Get the homework from last night posted to the wiki. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? Partir – to leave. Nous devons partir. We should to leave. Goals – Get our correspondence completed on the wiki. Les Devoirs – Pas.