05.1 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Muitos dados disponíveis permitem concluir que, na U.E., os profissionais de saúde fumam menos.


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Presentation transcript:

05.1 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Muitos dados disponíveis permitem concluir que, na U.E., os profissionais de saúde fumam menos do que a população em geral (apesar de ainda fumarem muito)

05.2 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Tobacco Consumption in Europe 15 years and older 21% 27% 19% 37% 27% 19% 27% 28% 26% 29% 15% 26% 24% 42% 31% 37% 45% 27% 40% 46% 29% 38% 32% 36% 38% 28% 22% 37% Males Females Sweden U.Kingdom Portugal Netherlands Luxembourg Italy Ireland Greece France Finland Spain Denmark Belgium Austria Germany From: U.E. OMS Marzo 1996

05.3 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Smoking: Attributable mortality 1/5 of all deaths in all ages. 1/4 of all deaths in people aged between 35 – 64 years Smokers aged between 35–69 years who die because tobacco related illness lost around 22 years of their expectancy life

05.4 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Tobacco attributable mortality in EU (1955 – 1995) From : Peto, Lopez 1992, /1 000 Males Females

05.5 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Male Female Acumulated millions of deaths Tobacco attributable mortality in developed countries (1950 – 2000) From : Peto et all Oxford University Press 1992, A22

05.6 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Smoking habit of Bispebierg Hospital in Denmark. Olsen AD et al. Active and passive smoking among personnel at the Bispebjerg hospital Ugeskrift for Laeger. 162(42):5623-7,2000 Oct 16. Smoking Females Smoking males 33% 32% Complaint for passive smoking = 25%

05.7 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Smoking habits of HCW from Italian hospitals Nardini S. et al. Personal smoking habit and attitude toward smoking among the health staff of a general hospital. Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease. 53(1):74-8, % 39% HCW smokersPhysician smokers

05.8 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Smoking of nurse in Spanish hospital nurses Fernandez Ruiz ML, Sanchez Bayle M. Prevalence of smoking by women physicians and nurses in the community of Madrid. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica. 73(3):355-64, % 53% Smoking nursesno smoking nurses

05.9 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Smoking habit of hospital HCW in France Grizeau D et al. Attitudes et comportement du personnel hospitalier face au tabagisme. Revue des maladies respiratoire 1998,15, Smokers females Smokers males 31,2% 36,8% Smoking habits among HCW in France 32,6%

05.10 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Tabagismo nos alunos de escolas de enfermagem em França 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Escola SFIFSI Fev 2000IFSI Out 2000 fumador regularFumador ocasionalex- fumadornão-fumador

05.11 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde Inquéritos na Rede Europeia dos SSST A RESSST propõe 12 perguntas padrão a incluir em todos os questionários sobre o tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde. Assim será possível estabelecer comparações e monitorizar os resultados das acções realizadas.

05.12 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde 13 questions on smoking habits of HCW age  60ans Sex  male  female Your job:  Technical  Administrative  physician  Nurse  others Are you at the management level :  yes  no Did you work :  at fix hours  at various hours  never the night,  sometime the night  always the night Have you smoke some cigarettes in your life ?  yes  no Presently are you :  no-smoker ?  former smoker ?  smoker ? (since> 1 month) (at least 1/day) SMOKERS As a mean, how many cigarettes did you smoke a day ?  <1  1  2-3  4-5  6-9         >60/d How many time after the wake up did you smoke your first cigarette?  60 minutes Did you plane to stop to smoke :  In the next 3 months  in the 6 months  in the year  not at this time Smoker in your environment smoker ex-smoker non-smoker Your husband (wife) is:    Your nearest colleague is:    Your nearest Friend is:   

05.13 Epidemiologia do tabagismo nos profissionais de saúde 22 questions on your opinion on tobacco in hospital Smoking room exist in the hospital ?  yes  no Nobody smoke in the hospital (except in smoking room)  yes  no Conflict exist between smokers and non-smokers  yes  no Protection of non-smoker had to be reinforce ?  yes  no Smoking room had to be better (more) managed ?  yes  no I am regularly disturb by the tobacco smoke of the others ?  yes  no Hospital will be better take in account smoker problems ?  yes  no Is you colleagues encourage you to be a non smoker ?   yes  no Wich activity push you to smoke Meeting  yes  no Discussion  yes  no Coffe break  yes  no Treatment  yes  no during night  yes  no meal  yes  no Are you disturb by tobacco smoke of the others  very often  often  sometime  never Have you sometime complaint about tobacco smoke: : At work place  very often  often  sometime  never In your hospital  very often  often  sometime  never In others publics places  very often  often  sometime  never Do you think than try to convince other to quit tobacco is part of your job ? ?   yes, certainly   yes, in some case   no As HCW, do you think as a role as example for patients  yes  no In your activity sector are they : : A room for smoker staff  yes  no  a Room for non smoker staff  yes  no