SNfactory Overview Greg Aldering et al 23 May 2005
Topics Collaboration Science Goals Organization Management Schedule Budget Publication
Collaboration LPNHE CRAL IPNL LBNL Yale U. Chicago Antilogus, Pain, Garavini, Gilles, Pereira, Hornero Pecontal, Bonin Smadja, Copin, Gangler, Sauge, Blanc, Bongard Aldering, Perlmutter, Nugent, Wang, Bailey, Lee, Scalzo, Thomas, Weaver Baltay, Rabinowitz, Bauer Kessler
Collaboration LPNHE CRAL IPNL LBNL Yale U. Chicago Antilogus, Pain, Garavini, Gilles, Pereira, Hornero, Repain Pecontal, Bonin, Boudon, Capoani, Dubet, Jarno, Lemonnier Smadja, Copin, Gangler, Sauge, Blanc, Bongard Aldering, Perlmutter, Nugent, Wang, Bailey, Lee, Scalzo, Thomas, Weaver Baltay, Rabinowitz, Bauer Kessler
Collaboration LPNHE CRAL IPNL LBNL Yale U. Chicago Antilogus, Pain, Garavini, Gilles, Pereira, Hornero, Repain, Astier, Regnault, … Pecontal, Bonin, Boudon, Capoani, Dubet, Jarno, Lemonnier Smadja, Copin, Gangler, Sauge, Blanc, Bongard Aldering, Perlmutter, Nugent, Wang, Bailey, Lee, Scalzo, Thomas, Weaver, Kocevski, Pinar, Chickering, Guedes, Carithers, Loken, Siegrist Baltay, Rabinowitz, Bauer, Herrera, Emmet Kessler, Dilday
Science Goals Improve statistical constraints on dark energy –2x improvement for SNLS, Essence, SNAP Improve systematics uncertainties on dark energy –Better calibration of SN properties –Span wide range of physical & empirical parameters –Constrain SN physics 300 Type Ia SNe –in the nearby smooth Hubble flow –with many-epoch spectrophotometry
SNAP - Simulated Hubble Diagram
Riess et al. (2004) Combined
Supernova CAT Scan
Org chart Organization
Org chart Aldering Pain Perlmutter
Org chart Aldering Pain Perlmutter Aldering
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Baltay Rabinowitz
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Pecontal for instrument
Org chart Pecontal for instrument 3 shifts/week 6 hr “night” shift 3 hr day shift
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Aldering Wang Lee Scalzo Thomas Fadeyev
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Guedes Herrera
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Bailey Scalzo Weaver
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Nugent Thomas Weaver + others
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Lee + Nugent & Pinar software effort
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Thomas Nugent Garavini Bongard Wang
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Pecontal Copin Gangler Wang Garavini Gilles Blanc
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Pereira Sauge Kessler Gangler
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Pecontal Copin
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Antilogus Thomas
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Nugent Thomas Garavini Bongard
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Nugent Thomas Bongard
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CRAL 2001 SAGENAP 2002 CRAL 2002 CRAL 2003 LBL 2004
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SNfactory Management PersonRolePosition G. AlderingProject Leader Executive Committee LBNL Staff Scientist R. PainFrench Spokesman / Executive Committee LPNHE Sr. Staff Scientist S. PerlmutterMoore PI Executive Committee UCB Faculty/LBNL Sr. Staff Scientist P. AntilogusSoftware Scientist Institution Board Chair LPNHE Staff Scientist E. PecontalSNIFS Instrument ScientistCRAL Staff Scientist C. BaltayQUEST Project LeaderYale Faculty
SNfactory Schedule - Past DateMilestone Summer 1999Project inception Fall 2000Preliminary agreement for UH telescope time Spring 2001France-Berkeley MoU Summer 2001Final agreement for UH telescope time (20%) Spring 2002SAGENAP review & endorsement Summer 2003QUEST-II camera operational Spring 2004SNIFS commissioned on UH telescope Summer 2004Begin SNfactory operations
Past dominated by SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph construction
SNfactory Schedule - Coming Up DateMilestone / Plan Fall 2004Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation award Fall 2004SNfactory review in Berkeley Spring 2005Re-tooling of search Spring 2005SNIFS intervention I Summer 2005Complete transition to steady-state “factory” operations Fall 2005SNIFS intervention II? Winter 2005Instrument and first-look science papers Spring 2006Calibration & cosmology papers Spring 2007Possible end to UH telescope operations
More on UH Telescope Future PanSTARRS wants to use UH 2.2-m site SNIFS operations guarenteed through April 2007 Director’s invitation to propose accelerated program Tenative: propose accelerated program once at steady-state
More on UH Telescope Future PanSTARRS wants to use UH 2.2-m site SNIFS operations guarenteed through April 2007 Invitation to propose accelerated program Tenative: propose accelerated program once at steady-state
More on UH Telescope Future PanSTARRS wants to use UH 2.2-m site SNIFS operations guarenteed through April 2007 Invitation to propose accelerated program Tenative: propose accelerated program once at steady-state Tenative: Exploring other telescope options, e.g. Kitt Peak 2.1-m for SNIFS and/or NIR imaging
More on Palomar Telescope QUEST II camera built by Yale and Indiana universities 50% time drift-scan (QUEST/CIT); 50% point & track (NEAT) NEAT MoU annually renewed (between JPL and LBNL Physics) QUEST leader, Baltay, has joined SNfactory
SNfactory Operations Budget LBNL Physics Division –$500k for CCD cameras & electronics –$150k/yr for UH telescope –$XXk/yr for postdocs, students, travel, etc. LBNL HST/NASA –$220k for HST UV spectral analysis and search operations IN2P3 (LPNHE+IPNK+CRAL) –1.7MEuro for SNIFS hardware & technical manpower –SNIFS interventions –$XXk/yr for postdocs, students, travel, etc. Yale NSF –$??M for camera hardware & technical manpower –$40k for SNIFS second red dewar –XXk/yr for camera operations –XXk/yr for postdocs, students, travel, etc. Chicago - Kavli Institute –$40k calibration hardware –$XXk/yr for postdoc. students, travel, etc.
SNfactory Budget - Moore Grant Moore grant is $2.4M USD over three years Intent is to enhance usefulness of SNfactory database Not intended to fund existing operations Funding for 3 postdocs and 2 software engineers Deliverables: –Spectral database w/ full traceability –Scheduler
Publications Plan Instrument paper Spectroscopy of special SNfactory+HST+NIR supernovae Calibration paper Annual spectral analysis/heterogeneity paper Annual cosmology paper (low+high redshift SNe) Additional papers on special SNe Rates paper