Les Adjectifs… BAGS
Les Adjectifs Français 90% of the French Adjectives come __________ the noun they describe. The adjectives that do not follow the rules are categorized by French teachers into…BAGS! AFTER
BAGS B A G S eauty ge oodness ize
* Beau changes to bel if the mas. noun starts with a vowel Beauty There are two adjectives that go in this category… beautiful pretty M F S P M F S P beau* beaux joli jolis belle belles jolie jolies * Beau changes to bel if the mas. noun starts with a vowel
AGE – Three adjectives… young new M F S P M F S P jeune jeunes nouveau nouveaux * jeune jeunes nouvelle nouvelles old * Vieux changes to vieil and nouveau changes to nouvel if the noun is mas. but starts with a vowel. M F S P vieux vieux * vieille vieilles
Goodness…Two adjs… good bad M F S P M F S P mauvais mauvais bon bons bonne bonnes mauvaise mauvaises
Size – There are several… big / tall small / short M F S P M F S P grand grands petit petits grande grandes big (weight) petite petites M F S P gros gros short (length) long (length) grosse grosses M F S P M F S P court courts long longs courte courtes longue longues
DES-> changes to de because of BELLES ONE GRAMMAR NOTE… When your Nouns are plural… the indefinate article (DES) Changes when there is a BAGS adjective!!! For example… Some beautiful girls... DE Belles Filles DES-> changes to de because of BELLES However, some red chairs…. des chaises rouges