Cardax FT Version 5
System Overview Cardax FT Command Centre - central management tool (software), server / workstations Multiple connectivity options using Cardax FT Controller 3000 and Cardax FT Controller 5000GL architecture (hardware) Cardax Readers This system overview illustrates connectivity in the Cardax FT system. In terms of Cardax FT hardware: The Cardax FT Controller 5000GL and the Cardax FT Controller 3000 are the Intelligent Field Controllers in the Cardax FT system, and communicate with the Cardax FT Command Centre (the head-end software). Cardax FT can be configured to manage systems larger than the standard configuration; contact Gallagher Security Management Systems to discuss configuration options.
Cardax FT Command Centre Remote Monitoring Service Distributed Solution Command Centre + RMS Operator Dials up a Controller with Command Centre for configuration changes Controller can automatically dial up Remote Monitoring Station to report alarms/events as they occur using Contact ID Monitor (PPP) Configure (PPP) Monitor (Contact ID) Cardax FT Command Centre Remote Monitoring Service
Cardax FT Technology Platform By using selected technologies, Cardax FT is a powerful, flexible security system.
Communications Network Capable Resides directly on existing TCP/IP Networks TCP - Transmission Control Protocol IP - Internet Protocol Remote Dial-up Capable Modem over PSTN PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) Designed for scalability Supports from one more workstation upward, only limited by your server and network capability Modem
Communications Designed for modern networks Onboard native Ethernet Modem Designed for modern networks Onboard native Ethernet No need for terminal servers
Communications Innovation in security All Cardax FT Controllers can directly communicate with each other (Peer-to-Peer) Communicates over Ethernet No interaction with Command Centre required System Design Flexibility One Controller can control and monitor devices other separate Controllers Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminal & Dialler 3000 heavily exploit Peer-to-Peer capability
Extending the boundaries Designed to use minimal bandwidth - 1 Access Event = 100 bytes TCP/IP communicates allow: Web Browsing to the Controller Device Software Download, no EPROM Keeping in mind the system’s ability to reside on an organisation's shared network, the system communications have been designed to use minimal bandwidth. Cardax understands that security of data is paramount. Network data is encrypted to a very high standard using the technology used to secure banking transactions made over the Internet. The system communications use TCP/IP, a world standard network and Internet transmission protocol, over an Ethernet network Cardax FT has been built with the IT environment at the forefront.
System Overview From 1 cardholder and up to 100,000 cardholders* (system wide) From 1 Controller and up to 500 Controllers * From no field devices and up to 5000 field devices * In its standard configuration the system will be capable of supporting: Up to 100,000 cardholders Up to 500 Controllers per system (100 per Communications server) Up to 5,000 field devices per system (see Controller datasheets for specs). * Indicative number only. Subject to configurations, network capacities and activity
System Overview Operators: unlimited configured operators unlimited operators logged on at the same time Controlled Outputs 20,000 * Alarm Inputs 30,000 * Other system capacities include: 500 configured operators with up to 20 operators logged on at the same time Up to 20,000 Controlled Outputs per system (10,000 per Communications Server) Up to 30,000 Alarm Inputs per system (15,000 per Communications Sever) Up to 4,000 Access Control Zones per system. IDTs with Intercom 800 * Cameras 250 * * Indicative number only. Subject to configurations, network capacities and activity
Operating Platforms Support for the following Operating Systems/Service Packs is included in v5: Sequal Server 2000 MSDE Service Pack 4 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 The Cardax FT Command Center server v5 resides on a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or 2003 or XP Professional operating platform.
Database Management Cardax FT can use has selected the Microsoft® SQL Desktop Engine Database, for Cardax FT Command Centre Microsoft® SQL 2000 Server is available as an option, where required - With Windows 2003 Server (no XP Server Version) The database that comes standard with Cardax FT Command Centre is the Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine (MSDE). The MSDE database is able to support small to very large databases whilst retaining data integrity and performance. It is also commonly specified database used globally. It is possible for sites to upgrade their database from MSDE to the fully featured Microsoft SQL 2000 Server database, to access the SQL server management tools and to increase the size of the database capacity. Using these database options, it is easy to integrate and share data with other systems.
Cardax FT Integration Platform
Integration Platform Integration – Import/Export Cardholders Automatically Import people records from 3rd party Databases using Cardax FT XML Interface. (Extensible Markup Language) Create people records as Cardax FT Cardholders and assign them access. Can define how often to Import Cardholders. XML Import External Database of People (Employee, Student, Customer, Contractor) Cardax FT Command Centre
External Interfacing Resource Management Importing timed resource bookings from 3rd Party Applications (e.g. Syllabus Plus) provides the ability to: Lock & Unlock a specific zones for the duration of scheduled booking Automatically activate lighting at a pre-configured time Automatically activate air conditioning at a pre-configured time Automatically activate projector units at a pre-configured time period Automatically de-activate lighting, air conditioning and projectors at conclusion of booking. Demo Cardholder Import
Cardax FT Command Centre Integration Platform Integration - Export Events using: COM/DCOM, the latest generation of Microsoft® Windows development tools OPC (OLE for Process Control) for Alarms & Events (Object Linking & Embedding) Automatically Export Cardax FT events as they occur to any 3rd party (OPC compliant) system. These systems receive OPC events and alarms just like an OPC viewer, the application manages processes thereafter Building Management and Process Control Remote Alarms Management (Contact ID) Time and Attendance package interfaces CCTV interface DVR interface 3rd Party System (BMS, CCTV, Payroll, T&A) OPC Events Cardax FT Command Centre
Cardax FT Command Centre Integration Platform Cardax FT Command Centre DVR Low Level trigger record Low Level indication of record View / Record DVR Camera Low Level Monitoring & Control Integration - DVR Seamlessly integrate with Digital Video recording systems View DVR Live View recorded DVR sequences Record DVR sequences DVR System Must provide Microsoft ActiveX format software interface. Must be able to communicate over network (LAN/WAN)
High Level Alarms and Events API Events from third party systems can be received through the Cardax FT Controller 5000GL using the Cardax FT events and alarms API. It is ideal for high level interfaces to third party systems such as DVR and duress system.
Integration with DVR A unique, solution for integrated electronic access control and live/recorded digital imaging One User Interface Access live and recorded video through the Cardax FT Single click to view live video from a Cardax FT site plan
Jacques Intercom HLI TCP/IP based Intercom Master/Slave units controlled by Jacques Server CCFT controls connectivity, logs alarms and events First install at Brisbane Magistrates Court
High Level Elevator Interface Elevator HLI item Advanced tab Controller properties Serial devices tab Elevator Car HLI item Kone and Otis supported at present time; Schinder system is a future candidate The LiftPro system is also available to support integration of lift systems
Integration & Interfacing Integration with Biometrics Integration with SAGEM MorphoAccess biometric finger print readers for a full biometric access control solution
Cardax FT Online Manager Cardax FT Online Manager is a browser based tool for the management and monitoring of Cardholders, Alarms and Events from anywhere that Operators have access to a web browser. Unlike a Cardax FT Command Centre Workstation the Online Manager Workstation does not require installation of software; access is achieved via a web browser. Cardax FT Online Manager can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
Cardax FT Online Manager
PowerFence Trophy FT Integration Full high level integration of PowerFence Trophy system into Cardax FT Command Centre Full configure, control and monitor capability We believe this will be the first in the world Fully integrated – Single manufacturer
Security System integrity Secure databases (username passwords) Card System integrity Secure databases (username passwords) Command Centre to Controller 40 bit standard or 168 bit Proprietary Cardax encryption on RS485 communications Cardax reader to Controller is encrypted. Cardax readers are monitored Card data is encrypted RAT is 40 bit standard or 168 bit End-to-end security
Cardax FT Command Centre The Cardax FT Command Centre is the server software for the Cardax FT system. It provides control of the whole security system and provides the graphical user interface at operator workstations.
Cardax FT Solutions Ease of install Site configuration wizards Configuration templates Microsoft Windows style application
Effective User Interface Wizards for Creating Doors Creating Hardware Creating Cardholders Enrolment
Cardholder Management Command Centre FT manages cardholders by name, not by a card number Cardax FT Command Centre manages cardholders by name, not by a card number. This significant feature means that a single cardholder record is created for each person. Any combination of vehicle tags, proximity cards and biometric recognition templates can then all be assigned to the one cardholder record. This feature simplifies cardholder management, important for organisations with a large number of cardholders, such as Universities.
Access Groups A centralisation tools Access Groups control - Who - Where - When - PDFs - Privileges - Alarms Zones Cardax FT Command Centre manages cardholders by name, not by a card number. This significant feature means that a single cardholder record is created for each person. Any combination of vehicle tags, proximity cards and biometric recognition templates can then all be assigned to the one cardholder record. This feature simplifies cardholder management, important for organisations with a large number of cardholders, such as Universities.
Cardholders 64 Personal Data Fields Store cardholder images, signatures etc Can import and export cardholder data (including images) Suitable for interfacing with HR systems PhotoID feature
Temporary Access Cardholders can now be given temporary membership of Access Groups Membership can be scheduled for future times and dates Status of cardholder membership is recorded as pending, active or expired
System Division System division enables a site to be divided amongst operators for system management and monitoring An operator can only see / manage their division System division enables a site to be divided amongst operators for system management and monitoring. An operator can only see and do things in his or her division. System division suits multi-tenanted building situations and very large sites where more than one operator is required to monitor a site.
Operator Groups Assign Operator Privileges to Operator Groups Control which PDFs Operators in a Group can see/edit
PhotoID and PDFs PhotoID using links to PDFs and Images PDFs are linked to Access Groups not Cardholders
Challenge The Cardax FT Command Centre Challenge feature allows an operator to contest Cardholders as they attempt to gain access through a Door. Cardax FT Command Centre manages cardholders by name, not by a card number. This significant feature means that a single cardholder record is created for each person. Any combination of vehicle tags, proximity cards and biometric recognition templates can then all be assigned to the one cardholder record. This feature simplifies cardholder management, important for organisations with a large number of cardholders, such as Universities.
Action Plan & Alarm Instructions Action Plans and Escalation can be assigned to events in the Cardax FT system.
Action Plans & Alarm Instructions Alarm Instructions can be assigned to alarm events in the Cardax FT system
Escalated Alarm Viewer Alarm property page enhancements Dynamic update of fields/buttons More room for Description text 15% larger window Escalation state Site plan button always accessible History enhanced Time stamped arrival time of the escalated alarm
Full Intruder Alarm Functionality Intruder Detection zones can be set up with entry / exit delays Alarms set / unset by authorised cardholders using readers and Remote Arming Terminals Remote Arming Terminals eliminate need for separate intruder alarm system Cardax FT has been designed to incorporate full intruder alarm functionality. The system includes Intruder Detection zones, which can be set up with entry and exit delays. Alarms can be set and unset by authorised cardholders using card readers. Because Intruder Alarm functionality is incorporated within the system, it eliminates the need for a separate intruder alarm system and separate alarm panels. Cost savings can be made and importantly, all alarms can be monitored through the Cardax FT Command Centre.
Site Plans Site Plans show a visual representation of a site at the operator workstation. An operator can perform many operations from a site plan, for example temporarily overriding the status of a door.
Bulk Changes – Cardholders & Divisions Changes can be made in one operation to multiple cardholder attributes, or Cardax FT item Divisions Can be scheduled and/or run via macros Routine changes can be saved for future use Bulk Change Master List Window records active, scheduled, saved, created, edited and failed bulk changes.
Icon Set Enhancements Users can now view, create, modify and delete Icon Sets Ability to import .ICO files to customise relevant Cardax FT items New default icon sets for Barrier Arms PIRs Windows Sirens
Variable End-of-Line Resistors Existing end-of-line resistors can now be configured to work with Cardax FT V5.0 Labour saving for sites migrating to Command Centre FT Choice of nine common resistor combinations Works with all Controllers, and all GBUS devices
Pre-Programmed Macro Overrides Overrides can now be run or scheduled via pre-programmed macros Macros can contain up to 20 distinct Cardax FT items with associated actions Can support overrides to Outputs, Access and Alarm Zones, run bulk changes, automatically generate evacuation reports and initiate database resynchronisation
Cardax FT Command Centre Action Plans Action Plans can now be triggered from Event Groups within Cardax FT Command Centre Can initiate macros, change alarm priorities, or run an evacuation report
Notes/Memo Fields All FT Items and cardholders now have a notes field Supports word wrap, insert, delete, cut copy and paste functions Access to the notes field is subject to Operator privileges
Configurable Alarm Sounds Alarm sounds can now be assigned to each alarm priority Operators with the relevant privileges can assign any file in the .wav format to an alarm sound
Alarm Flooding Alarm Flood Capability
CSN Cardholder Identification – Mifare Readers Cardax Mifare Readers can now use the CSN number on Mifare cards as Cardholder identification Selectable option enables the Reader to check for the CSN number after checking for valid Cardax data Only available on Cardax Mifare Readers produced from the release of Command Centre Version 5.0
Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminal Modem Innovation in security A single Remote Arming Terminal can perform Alarms Management on any Controller on the system Leveraging Peer-to-Peer communications No interaction with Command Centre required Enables full redundancy with multiple RATs
Remote Alarms Management Ademco Contact ID format Modem connected directly to Controller(s) 3000 & 5000GL No other 3rd Party modem will successfully transmit Contact ID from Cardax FT Configurable Transmit Rules for Events/Alarms Local/Remote alarms via escalation Escalations The Find Window is a user friendly, powerful tool in Cardax FT Command Centre, that makes it easy to search for information. It is used to find any item in the system that matches search criteria and is a central tool for maintaining a site. The Find Window’s usage is consistent for many editing operations such as browsing properties of cardholders, and finding any cardholder, device, or logical entity in the system. The Find Window works efficiently over large databases.
Remote Alarms Management Modem Innovation in security A single Dialler 3000 / 5000GL can transmit Contact ID to a Remote Monitoring Station for any number of Controllers on your system Leveraging Peer-to-Peer communications No interaction with Command Centre required Fail Over Dialling 1. Alarm on Controller 1, attempts to dial using primary Dialler. 2. Primary Dialler fails, re-directs Alarm to first backup Dialler 3. First backup Dialler fails , re-directs Alarm to second backup Dialler 4. Alarm successfully transmitted
Find Window Used to find items that match a search criteria Central, powerful tool for maintaining a site Works efficiently over large databases The Find Window is a user friendly, powerful tool in Cardax FT Command Centre, that makes it easy to search for information. It is used to find any item in the system that matches search criteria and is a central tool for maintaining a site. The Find Window’s usage is consistent for many editing operations such as browsing properties of cardholders, and finding any cardholder, device, or logical entity in the system. The Find Window works efficiently over large databases.
Report Generation A range of report templates are available, including: Evacuation Report: last known location of cardholders Activity Report: a subset of system activity Cardholder Report: detailed and summary reports Access Group Report: properties of access groups Access Report: cardholder access rights Time & Attendance Report: tracking hours on site Configuration Report: system configuration Exception Report: exceptional conditions. Can be saved to .csv file A range of report templates are available in Cardax FT Command Centre to integrate the usability of the system’s information into intelligence for the organisation in day to day operations and decisions. These reports include: An Evacuation / Cardholder Location Report to show the last known location of cardholders, who are grouped by zone, then card. An Activity Report to view a subset of system activity. Cardholder Reports - both detailed and summary report options. An Access Group Report - showing properties of access groups. Access Report - cardholder access rights. Time & Attendance Report - tracking hours on site. A Configuration Report, providing a hard copy backup of the system configuration. An Exception Report to show all ‘exceptional’ conditions in the system, for example, any outstanding alarms and overrides currently in effect.
Additional Reporting Database Queries Adhoc reports can be created by dragging filtered information from the Find Window, into Microsoft applications, such as Microsoft Word.
Backup/Archive/Template Operators can trigger a backup at any time Uses the SQL engine to perform the backup of the database Backup and Restore across multiple media Archive Archive the Event database Templates Allows Cardax FT configurations to be used by a number of sites, or specific sites, Configuration pre-built off site, which is then able to be installed on site). The ability to easily backup and restore a security system is very important. In the Cardax FT Series 5 system: Operators can trigger a backup at any time. The system uses the SQL engine to perform the backup of the database. Backup and Restore will work across multiple media.
Software Maintenance Agreements Available to Cardax customers to entitle them to receive Cardax FT system software releases for a period of one year, renewable annually Keep pace with operating platform releases Keep pace with Cardax FT features and benefits Enhance system performance and functionality Please refer to Cardax Product List or for agreement and details
In-Application Help The Cardax FT Command Centre User Guide is provided as Online Help (produced in HTML Help Workshop) and provides step-by-step procedures for configuring and using the system. The Online Help also provides fast and efficient search functionality. Users are able to find the information they require quickly by searching on key words or clicking on hyperlinks to other related topics.
Cardax FT Controllers 3000 and 5000GL The Cardax FT field hardware includes two architectures based on communications the: Cardax FT GBUS communications, Cardax FT LOCAL BUS communications, featuring: a range of Input and Output devices (each designed to meet a particular access control or security application), Door Readers.
Cardax FT Controller 3000 - 4R and 8R Intelligent Field Controller, stores 30,000 cardholder (default) or 46,000* records max. and 10,000 access events (default) or 22,000* max. Integrates I/O functionality and door control for up to 8 doors Does not require the use of other field devices The Cardax FT Controller 3000 is the cost-effective, Intelligent Field Controller for the system. Cardax FT 4R has 4 reader connections on-board. Cardax FT 8R has 8 reader connections on-board. The Controller 3000 integrates I/O functionality, and door control for up to 8 doors (with Cardax readers / 4 doors with Wiegand readers). This is achieved without the use of any other field devices, and provides a cost effective option for system configuration. * Number of cardholders and events is determined by the cardholder / event ratio.
Cardax FT Controller 3000 Card The Cardax FT Controller 3000 8R has on-board connections for the following (with variations for the Cardax FT Controller 3000 4R shown in brackets): 8 (4) Cardax readers or 4 (2) Wiegand format readers 16 (8) balanced inputs and 8 (4) relay outputs One GBUS port to support: 8 GBUS I/O devices (including GBUS Universal Reader Interfaces, & 4 Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminals, & 16 PowerFence Trophy FT Fence Controllers
Cardax FT Dialler 3000 Remote Alarms Monitoring Ability to transmit alarms to remote monitoring stations using industry-standard Contact ID data format. Enables the Command Centre to dial-up Cardax FT Controllers, to perform configuration and alarm monitoring remotely
Cardax FT Controller 5000GL Low cost replacement for Controller 5000 Zero door controller Built in Alarm Dialler capability Double the on-board memory Still supports all Controller 5000 LOCAL BUS devices Support for LOCAL BUS and GBUS (or two full GBUS runs) Support for all Cardax FT Alarms Devices Configurable with single door expansion unit (GBUS URI)
Cardax FT Controller 5000GL One GBUS Port to support: 8 GBUS I/O devices (including GBUS URI interfaces for reader connections), and 4 Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminals,and 16 PowerFence Trophy FT Fence Controllers Once LOCAL BUS port (with 2 separate channels): To support 16 LOCAL BUS devices, or To convert to a second GBUS port 4 balanced inputs 1 relay output The Cardax FT Dialler 5000GL to support dial-up communications with the Cardax FT Command Centre directly or via the Internet.
Cardax Cabinet & Power Supply
Cardax FT GBUS I/O Devices Cardax FT 8-Input Expansion Board Cardax FT I/O Expansion Board Cardax FT GBUS Universal Reader Interface Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminal - 8 inputs, 4 outputs - 8 Input Expansion Two PCBs + Tamper Board per Cardax FT Cabinet Tamper Board provides tamper protection
Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminal User-friendly keypad interface for intruder alarms management Secure logon, through user codes Users are assigned privileges Monitor, arm, and disarm alarm zones Controls up to 30 alarm zones, and up to 100 inputs on any Controller Alarms Management functionality is available to the operator at the Command Centre workstation, however, the Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminal provides the security guard with the ability to perform such operations at the key pad itself. Users are assigned privileges to monitor, arm, and disarm, alarm zones with each Cardax FT Remote Arming Terminal controlling up to 30 alarm zones, and up to 100 inputs on any Controller (Cardax FT Controller 3000 or 5000GL).
GBUS Universal Reader Interface New GBUS Universal Reader Interface (URI) device Low cost replacement of the LOCAL BUS URI 8 inputs, 2 outputs, 2 Cardax Readers or 1 Wiegand Reader Small design size and plastic enclosure allow cavity wall mounting Able to be mounted within a standard Cardax FT cabinet Optional facility code based off-line mode
5000 GL + GBUS URI - Retrofits Slashes re-wiring costs when replacing RS-485 daisy chained systems
Cardax FT LOCAL BUS I/O Devices Cardax FT Reader I/O Interface Cardax FT Universal Reader Interface Cardax FT I/O Interface Cardax FT Relay Interface Cardax FT Strike Controller Cardax FT Intelligent Door Terminal
Cardax FT Intelligent Door Terminal Proximity technology Illuminated key pad enables: PIN option Intruder alarm arm/disarm Intercom microphone Aesthetically pleasing design Tamper protected Sounds from speaker complement visual feedback IP54 Vandal resistant cover available Supports downloadable code Intercom call button Dot matrix display supports: prompts, time & date, feedback, and cardholder names Available in Cardax Cool Grey or charcoal This is the Cardax FT Intelligent Door Terminal. It incorporates TIRIS, or Mifare proximity technology. The Cardax FT IDT includes an optional integrated Intercom. This enables a person at the card reader to communicate with an operator at a workstation. Use of the Intercom is recorded as an event in the system’s event log. It is also possible to record conversations to be stored on the server. All Cardax FT Intelligent Door Terminals support the following features: A dot matrix LCD panel enables user-configured messages and prompts. Multiple language character sets are supported by the dot matrix LCD. The F3 key is the Intercom Call button. A person at the reader presses this to let the operator know that someone wishes to speak to them An illuminated keypad supports the entry of Personal Identification Numbers and the setting and unsetting of alarms The microphone is incorporated for Intercom use Sounds from the reader’s speaker complement visual feedback, for example, to denote whether access was granted or denied, or to indicate that the door has been left open too long The readers support downloadable code so software enhancements can be made over the network The readers are tamper protected and an alarm will be triggered should someone interfere with the readers communication links They are rated IP 54 and a cover is available to increase weather tolerance and resistance to vandal attack. In keeping with Cardax door readers the Cardax FT IDT are available in cool grey and charcoal.
Intercom The Cardax FT Intelligent Door Terminal includes an Intercom option enabling a person to communicate with the operator F3 on the Plus readers is the “Call” button User Prompts appear on reader LCD Use of the Intercom is recorded as an event The Cardax FT IDT includes an optional integrated Intercom. This enables a person at the card reader to communicate with an operator at a workstation. The F3 button on the Plus readers is the “Call” button. A person presses this button when they wish to speak to an operator. User prompts for the Intercom can be configured to appear on the reader’s LCD panel. Use of the Intercom is recorded as an event in the system’s event log.
Cardax Reader Technologies Mifare Contactless Smartcard 125 kHz Proximity Magstripe Cardax offers a range of reader technologies: Magstripe, Mifare Contactless Smartcard, and 125 Khz Proximity.
Cardax Readers Cardax Proximity Readers Cardax Swipe Readers The readers are available in Cardax Cool Grey and Charcoal colours. Cardax Proximity Readers Cardax Swipe Readers
Mifare SmartCard MIFARE has already been applied worldwide to: Public transport sector Airline ticketing Access control Identity cards Road toll collection schemes Military - Multi-function (identity card, access control card, meal card and for purchases; computer access may be added in future) Stored value applications Banking cards The readers are available in Cardax Cool Grey and Charcoal colours.
Gallagher Security Management Systems Leverages off Gallagher Group resources - Training - Technical Support - R & D - Marketing Gallagher Group Head Office - NZ
Cardax On-Line Training
Technical Support Six Support Team Members (based in NZ) Support Manager Knowledge Base Technical Account Managers (TAMs)
Research & Development Extensive software development skills Over 60 skilled people in R&D Software Engineering COM DCOM 32 bit embedded development 8 bit embedded development Object oriented design Project management TCP/IP - Internet protocol development Custom protocol development Development arm in India
Marketing Dedicated marketing team – provide a range of resources Public website: Secure partner support site: Cardax FT datasheets and brochures available
Field Representatives Business Development Managers (BDMs) Technical Account Managers (TAMs)
Thank you! Thank you for listening to this presentation on Cardax FT. Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, neither Gallagher Group Ltd nor any employee of the company, shall be liable on any ground whatsoever to any party in respect of decisions or actions they may make as a result of using this information. In accordance with the Gallagher policy of continuing development, design and specifications are subject to change without notice. Cardax access control systems and products are developed and manufactured by Gallagher Group Ltd, an ISO 9001 certificated supplier. Cardax is a registered trademark of Gallagher Group Ltd.