GCSE Top 24 French The following ‘Top 24’ slides contain ‘must know’ information essential for GCSE success in the summer. Whatever else you revise make sure you know the contents of these slides, starting off at number 24
24 IMPORTANT SPEAKING EXAM Mr. Jenkins- 25 April Mrs. Andrews- 27 April Task: 1 roleplay 2 conversation topics
23 CONVERSATION TOPICS A1 – Self, family and friends A2 – Education A3 – Career and future plans B1 – Environment B2 – Health B3 – Youth culture Prepare all 6. You will be asked to talk on one from each group
22 ROLEPLAYS -Revise all roleplay phrases from sheet - revise all example roleplays from past years – see your sheets
21 MODULE 4 EXAM Listening – separate exam NOT in sports hall, exam in ROSLA Reading and Writing – in sports hall
20 TOPICS FOR MODULE 4 The Young Person in Society Character and personal relationships The environment Education Careers and future plans Social issues, choices and responsibilities Remember: the final exam can cover all 4 modules
19 TOPICS FOR MODULE 3 Work and Lifestyle Home Life Healthy Living Part-time jobs and work experience Leisure Shopping
18 TOPICS FOR MODULE 2 Holiday time and Travel Travel, transport and finding the way Tourism Accommodation Holiday activities Services
17 TOPICS FOR MODULE 1 My World Self, family and friends Interests and hobbies Home and local environment Daily routine School and future plans
16 VOCABULARY Find your vocabulary lists for all 4 modules Set yourself tasks to help you learn these words Work with a friend
15 REVISION GUIDE Use your revision guide – Letts GCSE success It contains all you need ( answers/guidance/advice)
14 WEBSITES Visit Go into Google and type in GCSE French revision Select suitable revision sites to help you practise your vocabulary/reading skills in particular. Remember to work from French into English
13 PAST PAPERS See your teacher Download past papers (and the answers) from
12 GRAMMAR In particular learn: Question words (guide p12) Verbs + time frames (guide p ) Numbers (guide p4) Time phrases (guide p ) Position of adjectives (guide p25)
11 WRITING Practise writing down what you have learned for your speaking exam. Write short paragraphs on each of the topics Always cover the 3 time frames and give opinions
10 OPINIONS Start with simple sentences and build up to more complex ones: Guide p57 – 59 Avoid repetition – use a variety of adjectives Learn a few which can be used in lots of topics
9 AGREEMENTS Adjective agreement (guide p ) Add nothing for masculine singular eg mon petit frère Add e for feminine singular eg ma petite soeur Add s for masculine plural eg mes petits frères Add es for feminine plural eg mes petites soeurs
8 ETRE VERBS IN THE PERFECT TENSE Être verbs, if the person/subject is feminine, so is the past participle: elle est sortie - she left/has gone out. The same goes for plurals: Ils sont sorties - They’ve left/gone out. Elles sont sorties - They’ve left/gone out. Guide page 38
7 MODAL VERBS When you talk about things you want to do, can /are able to do, and must/have to do you are using modal verbs. These are almost always followed by an infinitive. The infinitive is the form of the verb that ends in -er, -ir or -re eg: je veux – I want to je peux – I can, am able to je dois – I must/have to. il faut - it is necessary to Guide pages
6 TIME FRAMES Regular “er” verbs PRESENT: -je regarde – I watch/I am watching tu regardes – you watch/you are watching il/elle/on regarde – he/she/it watches/is watching nous regardons – we watch/we are watching vous regardez – you watch/you are watching ils/elles regardent – they watch/they are watching Remember the verb endings. Guide p8
5 TIME FRAMES Regular “ir” and “re” verbs PRESENT: -je finisje vends tu finistu vends il/elle/on finitil/elle/on vend nous finissonsnous vendons vous finissezvous vendez ils/elles finissentils/elles vendent Remember the verb endings. Guide p8
4 Irregular verbs – Present Some of the most useful verbs are irregular and don’t follow a pattern. You just have to learn them by heart! Here are four key verbs. Avoir – to have Être – to be Guide p8 Aller – to go Faire – to do/to make Guide p8
3 Future tense To talk about the future use ‘aller’ + infinitive. eg – Ce weekend je vais sortir avec mes copains. Or use the future tense. To form the future tense just take the infinitive (cutting off the ‘e’ from ‘re’ verbs). Add the following endings: je – ai tu – as Guide p80il/elle/on – a nous – ons vous – ez ils/elles - ont
2 All verbs apart from the small ‘etre’ group use the present tense of ‘avoir’ (to have), to say I have... you have etc. This is called the auxiliary. j’ai joué tu as joué il/elle/on a jouéGuide p39 nous avons joué vous avez joué ils/elles ont joué Form them in exactly the same way as you do for ‘etre’ verbs: -er verbs = -é eg – jouer – joué – j’ai joué -ir verbs = -i eg finir – fini – j’ai fini -re verbs = -u eg attendre – attendu – j’ai attendu THE PAST PARTICIPLE NEVER CHANGES Perfect tense
1 LITTLE WORDS et– and mais– but donc– so, therefore alors– then, therefore puis– then ensuite– afterwards enfin– at last, finally parce que– because comme – as, since (because) ou – or sinon– otherwise, if not
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