Status update of ASM on Swarm Charlie Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Jean-Michel Léger.


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Presentation transcript:

Status update of ASM on Swarm Charlie Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Jean-Michel Léger

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 2| 2 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Presentation outline  Overview of ASM-A & ASM-B operations on Swarm Charlie  Anomaly on 05/11/2014  Summary of investigations carried out up to now  Investigation commission by ESA/CNES/Leti

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 3| 3 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs FM3A Switch-on after launch (noise issue)  The vector mode is achieved BUT the ASM noise level indicator is degraded when compared to scalar and burst mode (x4-5)  UNEXPLAINED, but not considered as critical (still well below the mission specifications for the scalar measurements resolution) scalar burst vector scalar vector Vector with modulations OFF OK NOK

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 4| 4 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Switch-on after launch (FM3B KO)  FM3B switched on to take advantage of the vector mode nominal performances  failure to detect the magnetic resonance, even in the backup mode without motor  All diagnostic modes except ‘magRes’ OK  RF sub-system at the origin of the problem

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 5| 5 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Events on ASM-C since launch SWARM Charlie - ASM FM3A configuration ASM DPU identification DPU 9 ASM sensor S9 ASM flight software LV7.7 ASM parameters table SW-CEA-MAG-TECHR-036 v1.4 (Break mode duration = 0 and Default mode = Vector) In-flight updates May 2014: Modifications in RAM of the following items have been (re)performed in RAM:  re-definition of the HK-Observables packet generation rate to 1 Hz (15/05/2014)  Level 0 FDIR action of EventID 2 disabled June to October 2014: None ASM modelEvent / Anomaly FM3A – SWARM Charlie  VFM/ASM residuals characterization Yaw slews maneuvers performed from 12 to 14/05/2014 The anomaly ”TC’s no longer processed”, which first occurred on ASM FM3A on 28/12/2013 has led to an ASM flight software update from LV 5.5 to LV 7.7 on 24/04/2014

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 6| 6 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Anomaly on 2014/11/05  All signals are nominal prior to the failure, no evolution of any HK has occurred

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 7| 7 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Recovery actions  Several starting procedures launched at nominal, lower (0°C) and higher (30 °C) temperatures, all unsuccessful  Same behaviour, but power consumption slightly dependent on temperature (increasing with temperature) but always below expectations (about 10 to 15 mA) SWARM Charlie FM3A Date Courant LCL PHT00032 (A) BOOT P1 BOOT P2 Tension PCDU PHT00062 (V) Puissance (W) BOOT P1 BOOT P2 Temp DPU TST50080 (°C) 26/11/ : [9-12] 04/12/ : [10-14] 03/01/ : [9-12] 24/04/ :51 (passage en BOOT, MAJ LV7.7) [9-12] 05/11/ : , [9-12] 07/11/ : , [10-12] 11/11/ : , [ ] 12/11/ : , [28-30]

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 8| 8 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Investigation means  In-flight, only the primary power consumption profile is available since no communication has been received from the instrument since the 05/11/14 event  On ground, 2 EMs (not fully representative), 1 EQM and 1 PFM are available for investigation. Restriction: no hardware modification on the PFM  Tests have been conducted on the EQM, without forcing hardware defaults -except for 29 + MHZ oscillator-, to check the various assumptions on the potential origin of the problem

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 9| 9 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Ground tests on EQM 1/2 Power consumption profile observed on the EQM during the boot mode

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 10 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Ground tests on EQM 2/2  The oscillator failure hypothesis is not consistent with the observed power profiles  The nominal power consumption in boot mode should be higher than what has been measured on the FM3A after the anomaly: either parts of the digital core are not functional or it is not properly powered  No estimation of the consumption thanks to simulation in failure modes available  A test sequence including the generation of hardware defaults is difficult both to define (induced stress assessment has to be evaluated prior to any operation in order to prevent failure propagation effects) and to carry out (ERC32/RAM/ASIC are highly integrated)

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 11 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Historique et projets en cou2 2Trs Potential failure localization Given the observed power consumption profile, the +3.3 V power line or the digital core are the most likely candidates

Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre | 12 Swarm 4th DATA QUALITY WORKSHOP 2-5 December 2014 GFZ Potsdam Current status  Several teleconferences have been organized involving ESA, CNES, Astrium and Leti to propose and carry out recovery actions, with no positive outcome so far  As a consequence, no ASM data available for Swarm Charlie since the 05/11  An investigation team of specialists from CNES, ESA and Leti has been set up, and should meet in the coming days in Toulouse (confidentiality issues solved)  It will be in charge of the coordination of all further analyses to identify the anomaly origin and potential mitigation actions