EXERCICE 1: -RE VERBS 1. I wait. 2. He answers. 3. She sells. 4. We lose.
EXERCICE 2: -ER VERBS 1. I forget the homework. 2. We visit Paris. 3. She takes a test. 4. You (informal) have dinner. 5. They (f) fail a quiz.
EXERCICE 2: -ER VERBS 6. You (plural) miss the bus. 7. He eats lunch in the cafeteria. 8. We work in a fast food restaurant. 9. They (f) sing. 10. She starts.
EXERCICE 3: Passé composé 1. We brought some pineapples. 2. Élodie did not sing. 3. I started. 4. He showed. 5. You (plural) did not have lunch in the cafeteria. 6. I took a test. 7. They (masculine) showed a film.
EXERCICE 3: Passé composé 8. They (masculine) failed a quiz. 9. You (informal) did not forget. 10. We won. 11. She did not visit. 12. He worked in a fast-food restaurant. 13. I found a baguette.
EXERCICE 4: TELLING A STORY IN ORDER There are five slides that tell a story in order. Write one sentence for each, explaining what happened. Use a word from “Talking About the Past” Use the passé composé
EXERCICE 5: TU AS PASSÉ UN BON WEEK-END? Look at each photo and decide what each person would say about his or her weekend. Tu as passé un bon week-end? EX: Non, c’était épouvantable!
EXERCICE 5: TU AS PASSÉ UN BON WEEK-END? Tu as passé un bon week-end? 1:
EXERCICE 5: TU AS PASSÉ UN BON WEEK-END? Tu as passé un bon week-end? 2.
EXERCICE 5: TU AS PASSÉ UN BON WEEK-END? Tu as passé un bon week-end? 3.
EXERCICE 5: TU AS PASSÉ UN BON WEEK-END? Tu as passé un bon week-end? 4:
EXERCICE 6: ON THE PHONE With a partner, create a phone conversation. Person 1 is trying to reach their friend, who is not home. Person 2 is their friend’s mother or father, who answers the phone. Use as much vocabulary from “On the telephone” as you can?
EXERCICE 7: Passé composé 1. They (f) saw a movie. 2. We read a book. 3. I sang. 4. You (informal) talked. 5. She took a banana.
EXERCICE 7: Passé composé 6. He bought a cake. 7. You (formal) looked for a pineapple. 8. I brought some jam. 9. They (boys) forgot the flour. 10. She saw some peaches. 11. I made a pie.