Stellar Rotation in the CoRoT Era Jose Dias do Nascimento Jr & José Renan de Medeiros and team DFTE- Natal Departamento de Física Teórica e Experimental, Brazil 2-6 November 2005 SECOND COROT- BRASIL WORKSHOP Ubatuba, SP AcRoCOROT Home Page
I.The Sun in Time: The History of the Solar Angular Momentum Evolution II.Stellar rotation in CoRoT Era: The Stellar Angular Momentum History in HR Diagram Accepted CoRoT Proposals:
Team of Proponents: I J.R. De Medeiros (1), J.D.Jr Do Nascimento(1), G. Cutispoto(2) A. Domiciano de Souza(3) M.-J. Goupil(4) P. de Laverny(5) A.Lebre(6) A. Maeder(7) C.H.F. Melo(8) G.P. Mello(9) S. Messina(2) E.J. Pacheco(10) P.S. Parihar(14) L. Pasquini(8) E. Peloso(9) A. Recio-Blanco(5) A.I. Ribas(11) F. Royer(4) A. Silva(12) L. Silva(13) 1) Departamento de Física, U. Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2) 0ssevatorio di Catania, Catania, Italy 3) Max-Planck-Institute Bonn, Germany 4) 0bservatoire de Paris, Meudon cedex, France 5) 0bservatoire de Ia Cote d'Azur, Nice, France 6) Groupe d'Astrophysique, U. de Montpellier, Montpellier, France 7) 0bservatoire de Geneve, Switzerland 8) European Southern Observatory 9) 0bservatorio do Valongo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10) Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 11) Inlnstitut de Ciències de l'Espai (CSIC-IEEC), Barcelona, Spain 12) Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 13) Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil 14) Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Bangalore, índia Team of Proponents: II J.R. De Medeiros(1), J.D. Do Nascimento(1), C.H.F. Melo(7) A. Domiciano de Souza(2) M.-J. Goupil(3) A.-M. Hubert(3) G. Jasniewicz(5) P. de Laverny(4) A.Lebre(5) A. Maeder(6), G.P. Mello(8) E.J. Pacheco(9) L. Pasquini(7) E. Peloso(8) G. Quast(13) A. Recio-Blanco(4) F. Royer(4) L. Silva(11) A. Silva(12) C.A. Torres(13) 1) Departamento de Física, U. Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2) Max-Planck-Institute Bonn, Germany 3) 0bservatoire de Paris, Meudon cedex, France 4) 0bservatoire de Ia Cote d'Azur, Nice, France 5) Groupe d'Astrophysique, U. de Montpellier, Montpellier, France 6) 0bservatoire de Geneve, Switzerland 7) European Southern Observatory 8) 0bservatorio do Valongo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 9) Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 10) Institut de Ciències de 1'Espai (CSIC-IEEC), Barcelona, Spain 11) Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12) Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil 13) Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofísica, MG, Brazil
I- The Sun in Time: The History of the Solar Angular Momentum Evolution Abstract: On the basis of data for a statistically robust sample of stars from the CoRoT Exofield Long Runs, we intend to carry out an unprecedented study on the evolution of the solar angular momentum. The stars composing the sample have as main characteristics a solar metallicity and are located along the evolutionary track of 1.0 M0 on the different stages from the main sequence to the basis of the giant branch. The obtained rotational period will enable us to analyze the behavior of the rotation with age and the mechanisms playing a major role on the evolution of this fundamental parameter. From this information, for solar-like stars, it will be possible to write a comparative history of the angular momentum of the Sun ali along its life, from the main sequence to the red giant stages.
II- Stellar rotation in CoRoT Era: The Stellar Angular Momentum History in HR Diagram Abstract: On the basis of CoRoT observations for a statistically robust sample of stars from the CoRoT Sismo and Exofield Long Runs, we intend to carry out an unprecedented study on the behavior of the stellar rotation along the HR diagram. Rotation period obtained from light modulation, combined with other stellar parameters, will enable us to analyze the behavior of rotation as a function of luminosity, mass, age and metallicity. From this study we hope to oífer solid constraints for models of stellar evolution, as well as for the study of mechanisms controlling activity and chemical mixing in different stages of the stellar evolution.
Scientific Motivation Stellar Rotation is one of the most important observable in stellar astrophysics, driving largely the stellar evolution - The Stellar Angular Momentum History in HR Diagram - The link of rotation with stellar parameters - The role of rotation on stellar internal and external phenomena These two proposals are in fact complementary: - Different timescales (from days to hundreds of days); - Optimized for different S/N of the data; - Similar techniques of time series analysis and modelling; - Dependence of rotation on stellar mass In Fact, rotation is not an optional stellar astrophysical parameters…
Scientific Motivation Questions: Is the sun typical for its mass and age ? Has the presence of planets influenced rotation ? How did the sun get where it is today ? Is the rotation indicative of sub-surface phenomena ? - Differential rotation - Rotation and activity cycles - Rotation and mixing and A rapid rotation core ? Rotation versus chemical abundances Rotation versus atmospheric emission fluxes Rotation and binarity Are the Stellar Axes distributed randomly ?
ROTATION AT ONE SOLAR MASS (some previous claims) What we know about Stellar Rotatoin Kraft´s 67 Obvious drop in rotation at 1 Solar Mass and Activity stars are faster rotators – late F dwarfs lose angular momentum during their main sequence life times. Skumanich´72 Quantified a relation t -1/2 for rotation, Ca II emission
ROTATION AT ONE SOLAR MASS Milestones What we know about Stellar Rotatoin Soderbom´83 Rotation of late type stars and the rotational history of the sun. The t -1/2 relation cannot hold for stars much younger than the pleiades. Some open questions... –Do 1.25 Solar Mass stars also follow a t -1/2 relation ? –Other Classes of stars as massive as the sun follow this relation ? Pace and Pasquini 2004 Proposed a new t - relation on the basis of larger stellar sample than previous studies.
Skumanich (1972) showed that Krafts Hyades and Pleiades data together with the rotational velocity of the Sun, were consistent with the relation v ~ t -1/2 So, Activity ~ Rotation Prot What we know about Stellar Period of Rotation Evolution ?
What we know about Stellar Rotation ! Evolution of Projected rotational velocities: Distribution of Vsini on the HR Diagram CORAVEL Measurements (De Medeiros Mayor 1999) Tracks From do Nacimento et al Toulouse – Geneve Evolutionary Code
What we know about Stellar Rotation ! Projected rotational velocities For 1 Msun
Evolution of Rotation Periods for FGK and M Rotation Period for a sample of about 1400 FGK and M stars from the MS to the turnoff;
Evolution of Rotation Periods for FGK & M Rotational Period for a sample of about 1400 FGK and M stars from the MS to the turnoff;
Distribution of Rotational Periods - The behavior of stellar Rotational Periods for Main Sequence Stars (Do Nascimento and De Medeiros 2005) Impact of high-precision (up to 150 days) observations!!! (Do Nascimento and De Medeiros 2005)
M67 solar-age open cluster: a laboratory for the Sun in time (see Poster No 1 by Canto-Martins et al.) Color-magnitude diagram of the open cluster M67 Stars composing our sample are labeled with red cross symbols. Rotation, activity diagnostics, chemical abundances and single or multiplicity status for all the stars
What family of stars we plan to observe with CoRoT F, G and K spectral type stars, following defined evolutionary tracks Stars with previously defined parameters Stars with single or multiple previously defined status Seismology Long runs (150 days) accurate spectrum analysis main sequence A, F, G targets of solar mass, Scuti, Dor, Cep… Short runs (20 days) Processes across the HR diagram Exofield red dwarfs spectral types F to M MvMv Temperature (spectral type) Dor Scuti Ceph sdB Solar type RR Lyrae O B A F G K M Cepheids SPB Giants Main sequence Priority targets for seismology Targets for exoplanet search From Laurent Boisnard 1st Brazil COROT Workshop, Natal, 30 Oct 2004
What we need to obtain from CoRoT measurements Gyr AGE (Myr) SUN Prot(days) -High-precision as possible,( F/F ~ ) observations Stars with apparent Visual Magnitudes 12 < V < 12.5 (ground observations with high signal to noise spectra ) Claudio Melos Talk Observations in Short runs (20 days) and long runs (150 days) to study the processes across the HR diagram. Light curves : Baudin et al simulator Including photon and granulation noise …
Expected (most important) difficulties I) Precise determination of stellar parameters to characterization of the sample (procedures by Recio-Blanco et al. (2005) and Silva et al. (2005)) II) Multiplicity, including planet effects III) Spotted stars
Stellar Chemical Abundances and Atmospheric Parameters from the Gaia/RVS spectra A. Recio-Blanco (in collaboration with P. de Laverny, A. Bijaoui) Laboratoire Cassiopée Observatoire de la Côte dAzur (France) The algorithm: MATISSE – B functions
Grid of synthetic spectra Teff log g [M/H] Dimensions: -Atmospheric parameters: Teff, log g, [M/H] - [/Fe ] - [ Ca/H ], [ Mg/H ], [ Si/H ], [ Ti/H ],… S i ( λ ) MARCS collaboration Stellar Chemical Abundances and Atmospheric Parameters from the Gaia/RVS spectra
Preparatory and followup stages and CoRoT data center at Natal Official Brazil/Chile program to use chilean telescope time by the AcRoCoRoT Team (talk by Claudio Melo) CoRoT Data Center at Natal conducted and operated by Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada - UFRN, supported by CNPq, CAPES and FAPERN in collaboration with INPE (Brazilian Center of Missions at Natal)
Expected COROT samples we can estimate: - About 220 objects with 11<V<12.5 in the F to K spectral range - exp. accuracy: ( ) in 1-hr integration time; - We estimate from the Hipparcos photometry, that about 200 F-K stars with some variability (about mag. or larger) See the poster SAMPLE SELECTION FOR THE ACCEPETD PROPOSAL: The Sun in Time. (Peloso et al.)
Conclusions COROT will provide us with an new and solid view of STELLAR ROTATION across the HR diagram. Our results will have an impact also on the core program and other additional science proposals, e.g., - Magnetic activity - Oscillations - Microvariability - Binarity...
" CoRoT mission means also the harmonization and solidarity among people, represented by greater symbols of the human intelligence: their academic institutions and their achievements " José Ivonildo Rêgo Rector / Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Thank you!! AcRoCOROT Home Page
What we know about the Angular Momentum Evolution ? The angular momentum per gram as a function of Log M.