E-City Net D E-City Net D issemination networks and users evaluation of public services
Who is Villes-Internet ? A Non-Profit Organisation Supported by memberships and public subvention : Délégation aux usages de l’internet, Caisse des dépôt Launched in 1998 A Proven Model –1 025 Cities suscribers – 659 Cities have received label – 56 Regional Seminars held – 9 National seminars held –362 issues Courrier de l ’internet citoyen to 4100 suscribers (audience x5 = lecteurs)
Web site
A « toolbox » for sharing Knowledge and Experience A website : information repository and sharing tools on public local usages of the internet A weekly electronic newsletter hot information about what is going on in the community A national label to reward most active local public players and boost their image Regional seminars & workshops to facilitate face 2 face communication Edition - Survey : Cités en réseaux, Guide de la France internet
What is Villes-Internet ? Transactive Website Labelization Local Seminars News Legal Resource Ctr Solutions Resource Ctr Rural and Urban Resource Ctr Local Democracy Resource Ctr Good practices Resource Ctr Core Services The Platform Value-Added Services The Resource Center
Promote public Internet Services at local level to reinforce social economic cohesion –Digital networks strenghten social community networks –Technologies can improve local involvment and citizenship –Help local constituencies to spearhead public usage of IP-based services –Help central government have visibility over « last mile » deployment of global policies
Promote public Internet Services at local level To Reduce disparities between level of development of regions –Facilitate knowledge transfer on public usages between the Rich and the Poor –Technology is a natural great integration factor: play on the inflexion point
Action line Main Action Line : eGovernement Multi-functional access to public services Effectiveness and efficiency of public administration Improved quality of public service cohesion Secondary Action Lines – eInclusion Integration of the eldrely and socially disadvantaged Overcome socio-economic, geographic and cultural barriers Prevention of « digital exclusion » risk Assistance to access –eParticipation Support citizen participation, debate and Local democracy : information, cooperation, discussion, dialogue, monitoring of the public policy by the people « Jurys citoyens »,…
The label : an Evaluation Tool Rewards cities which have proactive approach on « Internet for citizenship » Evaluation for each city and national benchmark with state agreement Orientation committee : in charge of defining the methodology and the annual evolution grid. Jury : composed of a selected set of reputable experts : social researchers, politicians, or journalists. Formal evaluation process : to deliver the AROBASE valued label. The award ceremony raises significant public media attention on the nominees and on the initiatives.
Cartus : Citizen evaluation Information society for all everywhere Promote access to non commercial and public uses of internet for : creation, citizenship,inclusion, participation, … Facilitate the public-service of internet, organisation and offers by select and describe the « actual and good uses describe by the users themselves » Method : self expression of the users of internet in telecenters (espaces publics numériques : places in France) Solution : mind mapping of users’verbatims
Users viewpoint
Quantitativ analysis on uses of years old
Users’ « tree » of qualitative analysis Tronc commun (env. 20 usagers) Rechercher des offres d’emploi Elaborer un CV Se renseigner sur une profession Rechercher des infos pratiques Emploi / Culture / Sports & Loisirs Diffuser une offre d’emploi Construire son projet professionnel Participer à un club professionnel Se cultiver Réserver des activités culturelles Assister à une manifestation sportive Identifier des partenaires de loisirs Education / Emploi Construire son parcours de formation Développer ses connaissances Participer à des réseaux d’échange de savoirs Réaliser un mémoire Utiliser un service de recrutement
Semantic map of verbatims CV, modification, rédactionSite, anpe, consultation Formation Agriculture Collaborateur « Communiquer avec mes collaborateurs » Concours « Préparation d’un concours administratif » Retraite
Strategic : Acting locally Speed up the development and integration of public usages of the internet within local policies Help local constituencies spearhead public usage of IP-Based services Promote the usage of internet-based services for local public- services Support IP public-access policies (self-service public access points, schools, hospitals) Support creation/appropriation of local content by active citizens Foster uses of local participative democracy Préserve local identities by support creation of local content adn providing tools to overcome lingual barriers
News and co-operation … Fondatrice et déléguée Florence Durand-Tornare