IBL Brazing Study April the 20 th 2012 Eric Vigeolas
Meeting Scope Update on the brazing study status Comments on the last metallurgical analysis CERN To establish the schedule for qualification completion To discuss the SR1 tooling and schedule for the detector construction AOB…
Qualification test sequence Test de traction sur 3 échantillons Réalisé par Serge Test de compatibilité électrique Déjà effectué Test métallographique sur les jointures de chaque type Réalisé par stephano Sgobba (minimum de deux échantillons de chaque type) Test de choc thermique à l’azote liquide et de réchauffe rapide Réalisé par Serge Test de cyclage en pression et en température (CO2) Réalisé au LAPP Essais final sur une stave de production réalisé dans le bâtiment SR1 dans les conditions nominales Defined in December Metallographic analysis done on several sample are we satisfy with the results? Should we perform more tests? (last file can be Concerning the bushing design can we consider the design as satisfying brazing requirements? Tensile test status? Thermal chocs status? How many sample can be produced and deliver to LAPP for cycles and leak check? Define a date Do we have enough material for the ongoing CERN? We are about to start on IBL project the Stave 0 (demonstrator) program, End of may on stave will be ready in SR1 for modules testing and burning. We would like to perform on this stave a Brazing induction test to qualify the tooling and check the module survivability (End of June, Early July)
SR1 tool Vacuum Chamber made by Stave Jig Unige Support table CPPM Tube extension UniGe Tripods will be provided by CPPM to handle the tube extension Ti pipe will have a temporary fitting attached to it which will permit connection to vacuum Pump
SR1 Tool location Operators should comment the tool placement before installation for all information or change request please contact Tool was placed in the continuity of the detector integration tool to avoid any stave rotation after pipe brazing Integration tool
Vacuum chamber removal after brazing task sequence Baseline, the stave is fixe and the chamber move to get out of the Ti pipe. The Ti pipe end with a 10 mm diameter fitting, feed through should be compatible with this dimensions Brazing configuration Remove one half of the tube extension And start extracting the vacuum chamber Remove the second half of the tube extension Connect the first half to the stave jig Complete the chamber extraction
Work organization The Stave production will be 1 Stave/Week Brazing will occur right before the stave integration into the detector Due to stave dimensions after brazing we will not have possibility to store more than one or two stave // to the integration The idea is to perform the brazing parallely to the integration with one stave in advance to not bloc the assembly sequence IBL Stave integration start End of March 2013 duration 12 weeks We will have to braze one to two stave/week during this period need to check people availability during this period (one day or two /week )
Project Schedule for stave availability