Français 3/4/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 134. Faites #3. What kind of lights were on Noah’s arc? Casser – to break. Il casse les oreilles avec sa musique! He deafens us with his music! “He breaks our ears with his music!” Goals – Watch Small Change. Devoirs – #4, à la page 134.
Français 3/4/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 134. Faites #4. What did the German clockmaker say the the clock that only went “tick, tick, tick”? Le déchet – waste. Est-ce que la commune recycle ses déchets? Does the town recycle its waste? Goals – Prepare for Orale 4-2. Devoirs – Final Draft dialogue 4-2. turn in on separate sheet of paper tomorrow.
Français 3/5/14 Cinq minutes preparer à l’orale 4-2. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? La reine – queen. C’est la reine du Karaoké. She’s the queen of karaoke. Goals – Successfully complete orale 4-2. Devoirs – A la page 134, faites #5.
Français 3/6/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 122. Faites # 26 Ecoute. Why are blond jokes so short? Bio – organic. Il faut que tu manges des produits bio. You’ve to to eat organic food. Goals – Complete orale 4-2. Invite people to do things. Tell how frequently you do things. Devoirs – Make a timeline for frequency like in class. List the activities under the relevant category for your participation in them.
Français 3/7/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 123. Faites # 28 Ecoute. Remember, work like a dog. Eat like a horse. Think like a fox. Run like a rabbit. Visit your veterinarian twice a year. Le temps – Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui? What’s the weather today. Goals – Practice with adverbs of frequency. Devoirs – A la page 124, faites #31.