Algeria L’Algérie
Belgium La Belgique
Benin Le Bénin
Burundi Le Burundi
Burkina Faso Le Burkina Faso
Cameroon Le Cameroun
Canada Le Canada (Le Québec)
Central African Republic La République Centrafricaine
Congo Le Congo
France La France
French Polynesia La Polynésie Française
Gabon Le Gabon
Guadeloupe La Guadeloupe
Guinea La Guinée
Guyana La Guyane
Haiti Haïti
Ivory Coast La Côte d’Ivoire
Cambodia Le Cambodge
Laos Le Laos
Lebanon Le Liban
Luxembourg Le Luxembourg
Mali Le Mali
Martinique La Martinique
Mauritania La Mauritanie
Mauritius L’île Maurice
Morocco Le Maroc
New Caledonia La Nouvelle Calédonie
Reunion La Réunion
Rwanda Le Ruanda
Senegal Le Sénégal
Seychelles Les Seychelles
Switzerland La Suisse
Togo Le Togo
Tunisia La Tunisie
Vietnam Le Viêt-nam
Democratic Republic of the Congo La République démocratique du Congo
Nigeria Le Niger
Tchad Le Tchad
Andorra L’Andorre
Facts About the French-Speaking World
French is the official language of 29 countries around the world Over one one hundred twenty four million people speak French is their native language French is spoken on five continents in about 50 countries and territories in the world
In Europe French is spoken in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Monaco and Andorra On the American continent, French is the official language of three islands in the Caribbean: Haiti, Martinique, and Guadeloupe. Quebec, Canada’s largest province, is almost entirely French-speaking. In the United States, French is a second language for more than a million people in Louisiana and certain areas of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine
In South America, French is the official language of French Guiana In Africa, French is the official or second language in 21 African countries This countries retain not only the French language but also the influence of French culture, institutions, and traditions. In Asia, in countries of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam French is spoken today by some of its people
Why do so many people in Africa and Asia speak French? During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, France became a colonial power in the world. This means that the French occupied and ruled counties of the world far from France itself. These countries sent many of their products (such as copper and cocoa) back to France for manufacturing into finished products. As the French governed these nations, they also established schools and businesses which used the French language. By 1960, these nations had become independent, but they maintained French as their official and business language because so many people spoke French.