Une boutique. a shop Une boutique des soldes A discount store/shop.
Saying what you dont do To say you dont do something in French you always use these words …NE and PAS.
The irregular verb “faire”
The Passé Composé of –er verbs.
Negatives Idont know JeJe ne sais pas. How are they written ? As we know, negatives in French are made up of two words, ne and something else (e.g. pas)
A Note how comparisons are expressed in the following sentences:
Negative Expressions Match the positive with its negative counterpart Tout le temps quelque chose ma famille Une fois Ne..Rien Ne...Jamais Ne...personne.
1.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc The irregular verbs être, avoir, faire, and aller The four most common irregular verbs in French are.
Quest-ce que tu vas faire demain? What are you going to do tomorrow? Tu vas faire quoi ce week-end? What are you going to do this week-end?
would = rais could = pourrais should = devrais would have = aurais could have = aurais pu should have = aurais dû
La Partie Orale de lExamen Final de Français II Information Générale Choissis UNE fiche On fait une conversation de CINQ échanges en français. Cette.
Blair Schulte Nikhil Nannapaneni. Quest-ce que tu penses de…? What do you think of…? Quen penses tu? What do you think of it? Jaime bien le genre de…
Le français 3 Chapitre 4 Grammaire 1
Chapter 10 Les vetements clothes Le blouson jacket La chaussette socks La chaussure shoes La paire pair Le talon heel Le jean jeans Le pantalon pants.
Mes vacances To be able to talk about holidays in different tenses.
NEGATION MOST COMMON NEGATIVES ARE Ne ….pas – not Ne …jamais – never Ne …personne – nobody Ne …plus – anymore Ne …rien – nothing.
Starter Choose at least one of the pictures & describe the persons outfit. Include what theyre wearing & your opinions il porte – hes wearing elle porte.
Negatives By Parisa Tavassolian.
Les emplois du present : Je chante. Je chante. – I sing. – I do sing. – I am singing. Je suis en train de chanter. Je suis en train de chanter. – Right.
NEGATION MOST COMMON NEGATIVES ARE Ne ….pas – not Ne …jamais – never Ne …personne – nobody Ne …plus – anymore Ne …rien – nothing.
Aimer, N’aimer Pas, Adorer, Détester Aujourd'hui, on va apprendre quatre façon de dire si vous aimer ou n’aimer pas quelque chose. Today, we will.
Verb Expressions être, avoir et faire. être je suis tu es il/elle/on/ qui est nous sommes vous êtes ils/elles sont.
Study Guide for Proficiency Interviews. Interview #1-Socializing “Making small talk…”
Préparation à l’oral: vocabulaire L’accord et le désaccord Je ne pense pas: I don’t think so Je ne suis pas d’accord avec vous: I don’t agree with you.
Notes les mai Les expressions négatives You already know that we use ne…pas to make a negative. Tu veux aller au cinéma? - Non, je ne veux pas y.
VERBS. To test your Reading skills go to slide 3 To test your Writing skills go to slide 167.
La condition physique et les sentiments
Unité 4 Partie 1 Comment faire des achats How to make a purchase.
Vocabulaire 3.1 Français I. Tu as ___ ? Do you (fam.) have ___?
Le marché (The Market). Unit Overview Unit Goal Students will gain knowledge about French shopping habits and develop an appreciation for different kinds.
Sonneur 19/11 Brainstorm: What are some of our activities that you know how to do well and some activities that you do not know how to do well?
Non Sports Hobbies. By: Katie Hurst, Courtenay Davis.
Objectives: Learn the use of the negative and the interrogative form in the past tense.
Y & en Two pronouns which you cannot do without. y You may have been taught that y means there.
Un costume. Man’s suit Un blouson jacket Un manteau.
Greetings and Polite Phrases
Le faire causatif (faire + infinitive) Reprise, Chapitre 10.
Je Croyais (The Beatles) Yesterday Bruce Scott Je croyais qu’il ne pouvait plus rien m’arriver Yesterday All my troubles seemed so far away.
The Near Future Tense We use the near future tense to talk about what we are going to do. To make the near future tense you need to use the correct part.
The verb “aller”. aller = to go je vais nous allons il va he’s going elle va she’s going on va one’s going / we’re going ils vont they’re going elles.
Allez viens Leçon 5. Première Étape You look like something’s wrong Ça n’a pas l’air d’aller.
Negative sentences. Ne ---pas To make a sentence negative the words ‘ne’ and ‘pas’ must both go into the sentence on either side of the verb. Je ne suis.
LO: All pupils will be able to understand all topics since start of year (L1a), most will be able to develop their speaking and writing (L3b), some will.
Weather & negation.
My Trip to Paris Yannier Alvarez. J’ai besoin de mon passeport pour mon voyage à Paris I need my passport for my Paris trip.
Use “le/la/les” when talking about things you like or dislike in general: J’adore le gâteau. I love cake.
FR 2 U3 L10b. What are articles? What is a definite article? What is an indefinite article? Can you leave out articles in French? In English?
J’ai un chat dans la gorge I have a frog in my throat.
French 1 Phrases pratiques avec les verbes du premier groupe
CULTURE ASSIMILATOR 7 Les V êtements. 1. Les V êtements en Afrique You and your friend visit French-speaking West Africa. It is a beautiful city. It is.
French 1 Chapitre 7 Vocabulaire 1. les accessoires (m) – accessories.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or.
VY_32_INOVACE_AJ3r0118 Jaroslava Dlabajová SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES.
© Crown copyright 2011, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or.
LA DESCRIPTOIN. À la mode In style Beau / belle.
Unité 4 Partie 1 Comment faire des achats How to make a purchase.
Chapter 7 Vocabulary 1 Bien Dit. Un chemisier A blouse – A woman’s dressy shirt Extra info! – “un” = “a”, “an” or “one” for a masculine singular noun.
COMMENT DIT-ON?. Comment dit-on? I give her my pencil. Je lui donne mon crayon.
ALLER + INFINITIVE. Je vais Tu vas Il/Elle/On va Nous allons Vous allez Ils/Elles vont Review of Aller.
IN NEGATIVE SENTENCES. Indefinite articles in negative sentences: Un, une, and des become de or d’ (a, an, any) in a negative sentence. Tu as un.
Chapter 6- the verb ‘to go’ question words places time.
Vocabulaire électronique. Is something wrong? Quelque chose ne va pas?
Two pronouns which you cannot do without
Making sentences negative
Unité 6: Au Magasin Français I.
Year 7 Summer 1 APPLY your knowledge mon uniforme idéal serait
Une boutique
a shop
Une boutique des soldes
A discount store/shop
To try (on)
Ma taille
My size
Ma pointure
My shoe size
Je fais du #
I wear size #
Il me va bien.
It fits me well.
Elle ne me va pas.
It doesn’t fit me well.
Il me plaît
I like it.
Elle ne me plaît pas.
I don’t like it.
Bon marché
En solde
On sale
Affreux / affreuse
Cher / chère
Je suis décidé(e)
I have decided.
To think about it
Quelque chose d’autre
Something else
Ils me vont.
They fit me.
Ils me plaisent.
I like them.