Français 6/2/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 196. Faites #6. What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four leaf clover? Le souhait – wish. A vos souhaits! Bless you. Goals – Practice arranging times to meet. Devoirs – #7, à la page 196.
Français 6/3/14 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 187. Prononciation. What happens when you cross a rottweiler with a collie? Coupable – guilty. Son avocat le croit coupable. His lawyer thinks he is guilty. Goals – Prepare for orale 6-3. Devoirs – Ecrivez: Final Draft Dialogue 6-3.
Français 6/4/14 Cinq minutes preparer à l’orale 6-3. What do you get when you cross Batman and Robin with a steam roller? Mal Élevé(e) – Elle est mal élevée. She is impolite. Goals – Complete Orale 6-3. Devoirs – Pas!
Français 6/5/14 NO opener. Let’s watch a movie! Le maquillage – make-up. Un peu de maquillage et le tour est joué. A little make-up and the trick is done. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Goals – Watch video Ponette. Devoirs – pas.