Geography Corsica is located 112 miles from the France mainland The Island is 114 miles long and 52 miles wide, and the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea The island consists of mainly mountains, but also has forests, deserts and beaches.
Sports Canyoning- Includes rappelling, rafting, and waterfall jumping Abseiling- Descending from cliffs or walls Cross country skiing Hydrospeed – You use a riverboard and flippers to go down a rapid river Windsurfing Parachuting etc
Cuisine Meals o Wild Boar o Cabri de lait - kid o Bécasse - roast woodcock o Pédrix - partridge o Valetta - cheek o Fromage de tête - "head cheese" made from seasoned pigs' brains Desserts Fiadone - soft cheese tart which is soaked in spirit and flambéed Beignets - chestnut flour doughnuts, sometimes stuffed with cheese
Francais paragraphe Ma region s’appelle est Corsica, le capitale de le region est Ajaccio. Le geographie de Corsica est beaucoup montagne et tres fleuve. Vous pouvez joue beaucoup activités, vistite historique bâtiment, et aussi alle la plage. Corsica spécialité Brin d'Amour fromage, Corsican Cape Muscatel vin, le porc spécialité est Corsican pork-butchery
Sources m m tm tm Guide/What-To-Expect/Food-And-Wine.aspx Guide/What-To-Expect/Food-And-Wine.aspx europe/corsica.htm europe/corsica.htm