Français 2, 17 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 379. Faites #10. What do you get if you cross an alley cat with a Chinese cat? effrayant/-e – frightening. Le spectacle était effrayant! The show was frightening. Goals – Continue to watch Mic Macs. Hang in there for the big pay back in the end. Les Devoirs – A la page 379, #9.
Français 2, 18 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 370. Faites #26. Ecrivez-le. What is a polygon? Si – if. Si je ne le rends pas…If I don’t give it back… Goals – continue to work on describing where things are in relation to one another. Also learn how to describe how to get to places. Les Devoirs – Copy everything from the “Comment Dit-on…?” on page 371.
Français 2, 19 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 373. Faites Prononciation. What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide and seek? Les autres – other people. C’est facile, regarde les autres danser. It’s easy, look at the other people dancing. Goals – Work on giving people directions. Les Devoirs – Write a description of the location of Rancho Chico. Also write directions of how to get there.
Français 2, 20 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 371. Faites #27. How can you jump off a fifty-foot ladder and not get hurt? Saponify – to convert into soap. Goals – Practice giving directions and asking questions. Les Devoirs – Write directions to your house in french.
Français 2, 21 Novembre 2014 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 67. Faites un dessin et cherchez l’internet! What did the painter say to his girlfriend? Ylem – the primordial stuff from which the various elements of matter were formed – neutrons, protons, etc. Goals – Learn new vocabulary and work on communicating with shop keepers. Les Devoirs – Pas