Français 2, 6 Mai 2013 Additional Listening – 6-5, 6-6. Why are a door knob and a cute baby alike? La piqûre – bite, injection. J’ai horreur des piqûres. I hate shots. Goals – Study for chapter 6 test. Games? Les Devoirs – Study for the test tomorrow!
Français 2, 7 Mai 2013 Cinq minutes preparer à l’examen Chapitre 6. What did the snail say while he was riding on the turtle’s back? Déméger – to move. Nous déménageons demain. We’re moving tomorrow. Goals – Do well on the test and grade it. Les Devoirs – None.
Français 2, 8 Mai 2013 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 189. Faites #6 Ecoute. What is a bud that doesn’t bloom? Exclure – to expel, to suspend. Il sera exclu trois jours. He will be suspended for three days. Goals – Complete correcting tests. Focus on vocabulary acquisition. Quizlet with pictures for vocab? Les Devoirs – Make a quizlet set for body parts, page 190. We will print both sets tomorrow in class.
Français 2, 9 Mai 2013 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 190.Faites #7. What did the pancake say to the baseball player? Mémoiore – memory. Elle perd la mémoire. She’s losing her memory. Goals – Correct tests. Finish flash cards and practice with them. Les Devoirs – #10 p. 191.
Français 2, 10 Mai 2013 Ouvrez vos livres à la page 193. Faites Rencontre Culturelle. How do you keep cool at a ball game? De bonne heure – early. Ils sont arrivés de bonne heure. They arrived early. Goals – Practice complaining about being sick or hurt and expressing sympathy. Les Devoirs – Pas.