Etre- to be Etre or not etre, that is the question.


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Presentation transcript:

Etre- to be Etre or not etre, that is the question

What we’ve learned We’ve learned how to say many things. Etre grand- to be big Etre petit- to be small Etre amusant – to be funny Etre egoiste- to be selfish Etre intelligent- to be smart Etre interessant- to be interesting Etre brun- to be brown Etre blond- to be blond How to describe what we are talking about

So, we’ve found out that etre is “to be” Let’s be sure we know that there are two ways to describe something. We can say “la trousse bleue” The blue pencil case Or we can say “the pencil case is blue” Today, we are going to learn the second way

How do you use it? First of all, let’s take a look at words in French. There are two kinds of words. Le words and La words. The La words can be replaced by “elle” The Le words can be replaced by “il”

How do you use it? Les words Les words are more than one “le” word or “la” word Le pupitre+ another le pupitre= les pupitres La chaise + another la chaise = les chaises Notice when there’s only one, its still a le or la word. Be sure you know which one is a le word when there’s only one and which one is a la word when there’s only one.

Les Words Les words can be replaced by ‘ils’ or ‘elles’ Ils is if the word is originally a le word Elles is if the word is originally a la word

What If You have a Le word and a la word together?? Le pupitre+ la porte would be replaced by “ils” Le garcon + la fille would be replaced by “ils”

In our Notes: Replace: La craie Le pupitre La gomme et la porte Le tableau et le feutre Le feutre et la craie Le stylo et la trousse

A few more If you are talking about yourself or if you see a “moi,” replace it with “je” If you are talking about you and someone else (we) or if you see an “et moi,” You are going to use “nous” If you are talking about someone else and the person you are talking about “you guys,” you use “vous” A second way to see “we “ is “on”

Let’s add to that last group in our notes Moi Richard et moi Monique et toi La gomme et le feutre Le tableau et la fenetre Le cahier et la poubelle

NOW, How can we use Etre? When you see it in expressions in the chapter, you need to decide who you are talking about. For example, etre intelligent. Who are you saying is smart? Any “he” is a le word Any “her” is a la word

Next In the expression, cross out the etre Etre intelligent Write what you are talking about (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles), a space, then the next part of the expression Je _______ intelligent Tu _______ intelligent Il ________ intelligent

Fill in the space with one of these Je : suis Nous: sommes Tu: es Vous: etes Il: est Ils: sont Elle: est Elles: sont On: est

Je suis intelligent Tu es intelligent Il est intelligent

The Chant

Decrivez (describe)...


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