Composite Materials Dr. Alejandro Manzano Ramírez October 2007
Bibliografy: 1.HANDBOOK OF COMPOSITES, SECOND EDITION Edited by S. T. Peters Process Research, MountainView, Calfornia, USA, Second edition Chapman & Hall Thomson Science is a division of International Thomson Publishing 2.Chapter 6, Composite Materials, Alejandro Manzano Ramírez and Enrique Barrera, "Synthesis and Properties of Advanced Materials" edited by Carl McHargue,J.B.Darby,Jr., Miguel José Yacamán, José Reyes Gasga, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1997,pp F.C. Campbell,Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural Materials,Firts Edition, Elsevier Ltd Matthews F.L. and Rawlings R.D. “Composite materials: Engineering and Science”,,Woodhead Publishing Ltd and CRC Press LLC,Reprinted Serope Kalpakjan and Steven R. Schmid, “Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, Fourth edition Pearson Education, Inc, Reprint Willian F. Smith “Foundations of materials Science and Engineering”, Third edition, Mc Graw-Hill Low-cost composite materials and structures for aircraft applications”, Deo, R.B., Starnes, J.H., Holzwarth, R.C.,May Handbook of Materials Selection, Myer Kutz Associates, Inc.,JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC Advance Ceramic Processing and Technology J.G.P.Binner, processing of ceramic composites,Noyes Publications 1990, p. 131
Further readings Jean LUYCKX, Composites à fibres de carbone dans le génie civil, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, traité Plastiques et Composites A. Manzano-Ramírez, E. Nava-Vazquez and C. Vazquez-López, "Surface Analysis of an Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite", Scripta Metallurgical et. Materialia, 1993, vol.29, 9, pp A. Manzano-Ramírez, A. Magallanes-Castañeda and F.Ruiz, "Topographic Features of an 319 Al/SiCp/15p", Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 1994, vol.31,10, pp Manzano-Ramírez A., Ruiz F. y Magallanes-Castañeda A., "Observaciones Microestructurales en el Composite Al/Si/15p Obtenido por el Procedimiento de Compocolado", Revista de Metalurgia, CENIM Madrid,España, vol. 32, 6, Nov-Dic. 1996, pp Hallen J. M., Balmori H.M.,Jaramillo D.,Estrada J.L.,González J.L.,Cruz H.S. and Manzano A.,"Influence of Mg and Stirring on the Strength of an aluminium matrix Composite obtained by Compocasting", Key Engineering MATERIALS Vols (1997),pp R. García, A.Manzano, V.H. López, and E. Bedolla., “Comparative welding study of the Metal Matrix Composite with MIG Welding Process, using Direct and Indirect Electric Arc”, Met. Trans B Journal, vol. 33B, no. 6, pp. 932 – 937, García R., López V.H., Bedolla E. and Manzano A., “The MIG welding process with Indirect Electric Arc”, J. of Materials Science