Commuter Challenge A Reality Check Kathryn Winkler Executive Director, Founder Sustainable Alberta Association Coordinator of the National Commuter Challenge 223,12 Ave SW, Calgary Alberta, (403)
Commuter Challenge What it is Expanding into year round programming National program Opportunities
Commuter Challenge What it Is: is a not-for-profit initiative to promote healthier* commuting healthier including personal, social health, environmental, economical a one week event during National Environment Week a friendly competition between organizations and municipalities for the distinction of having the healthiest commuters Since 1991
Commuter Challenge is: Practical Definition A valuable social marketing tool designed to change people’s commuter behaviour. Opportunity to engage workplaces. – Use the resources of the organization – Peer influence – co-workers, management – Make sustainable commuting part of the popular culture Opportunity to compile workplace contact for year round TDM programming and collect valuable commuter data.
2008 National Commuter Challenge Results Results 41,580 Registered Participants 25 Canadian Cities 1700 Workplaces KM Saved 3,168,922 km Gas Saved 115,811 liters GHG emissions 484,719 kg C02 302,142 kg
Commuter Challenge Results (one Canadian City) Results 11% of all participants who participated in the Commuter Challenge changed their behaviour from a drive alone car commute. Of those 11%, 95% continued to use alternative modes throughout the summer ( Based on a survey conducted 4 month after the event)
Compare -All registered commuters with -Commuters who changed behaviour for the week. Survey of car drivers onlySurvey all participants
Expanding into Year Round Programming
Workplace survey Willingness to change If you usually commute by driving alone, please choose the statement that best reflects your feelings on taking alternative transportation. I would consider carpooling/vanpooling some of the time 63% I would consider taking transit some of the time 42% I would consider walking/cycling some of the time 37.5% Identify additional opportunities
Number of Trips by Mode
Incentives to motivate Transit use Items in orange are incentives that could be supported by Tundra Items in blue are typically not easily influenced by Tundra
Barriers to taking transit Items in orange are incentives that could be supported by Tundra Items in blue are typically not easily influenced by Tundra
Incentives to motivate Walking/Cycling Items in orange are incentives that could be supported by Tundra Items in blue are typically not easily influenced by Tundra
Barriers to Walk/jog or Cycle Items in orange are incentives that could be supported by Tundra Items in blue are typically not easily influenced by Tundra
National Program
Commuter Challenge Host Organizations Baker Creek Enhancement Society Bathurst Sustainable Development BEST Boundary Air Quality Committee Canmore Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley City of Banff City of Edmonton City of Grand Prairie City of Kamloops City of Peterborough City of Regina - Climate Change Program County of Lambton EcoSuperior Green Venture i-Go Kawartha Lakes PEI Transit Coalition Prince Albert Parkland Health Region RDCS & BC Transit Recreation and Park Association of the Yukon Region of Waterloo Resource Conservation Manitoba Smart Commute Sustainable Alberta Association The Corporation of the City of Guel TRAX Tres West Kootney Eco Society
Canadian Commuter Challenge Steering Committee Create a collective front for social marketing Consistent & convenient reporting tools National data – opportunity to identify trends Coordinated message Leverage advertising dollar Partner with national private sector, ngos, government, and media.
2009 Program and Partners TeleTrips – Sponsor of national committee and software TeleTrips – Promoting teleworking at the highest levels of government and private industry TELUS – National sponsor Environment Canada –Commuter Challenge and Défi Transport names Official Marks of the Crown Clean Air Day cross promotion Municipal initiatives - Commuter events ProCycle CBC
Changed commuter behavior during the event is lasting. Unique opportunity to leverage workplace resources to change commuter behavior Utilize peer influence at the workplace to change behavior Use result data to demonstrate social norm to influence future behavior change Springboard for year round programming and partnerships Package Triple Bottom Line results Opportunities
A win for Government A win for workplaces A win for private interest The public is receptive to the program
Commuter Challenge A Reality Check Kathryn Winkler Executive Director, Sustainable Alberta Association Coordinator of the National Commuter Challenge 223,12 Ave SW, Calgary Alberta, (403)