/ / Managing Invasive Plants to Protect Biodiversity
Getting started What species of non-native plants are already established? Which interfere with achieving our goal for the site (e.g. preservation of biodiversity)? What part does each plant play in the altered ecosystem? Developing a strategy eedTemp.pdf eedTemp.pdf
Site: unstable slope; exposed soil Species: reproduces largely from rootstock, also seed; dispersed by ejection (to 15ft); seeds can float; seed viable 5-8 years; extensive root system with large energy reserves (manual control ineffective) Context: bounded on south by extensive caragana thicket Management: Leave and monitor; do not remove caragana as preventing L. Spurge spread towards river; cut and remove flowers to deplete seed bank 5-8 yrs; check area for new colonies and remove by hand-pulling (only effective within first two years of establishment) Leafy spurge - isolated patch
Mapping the distribution and abundance of target species
Weeding – control or eradication? Where to start?
Tartarian honeysuckle survey shows prevalent in all ecosystems except willow Site: start control efforts in least affected ecosystem i.e. riverine Species: reproduces by seed; seeds germinate in spring (do not remain viable for long periods); seedlings establish in sparse vegetation, often under tall shrubs or trees; once established can tolerate deep shade; shallow rooted; sprouts vigorously if cut Management: actively search for young plants in appropriate habitat; remove shrubs <3 yrs by hand-pulling; cut older plants repeatedly June to Oct to deplete root reserves
Volunteers’ abilities and interests vary
When manual removal not possible/effective… plant repeatedly cut back plant energy reserves J F M A M J J A S O N D time of year possible winter kill
Use of herbicide? Doing nothing…?
example: isolated patch of Oxeye daisies management (?): patch is in a shady location – may die out on its own – monitor; prevent further disturbance of ground; cut flowering stems in June to prevent seed production; check around patch for new seedlings in spring and pull… for 6 yrs! Site: deep shade (under mature balsam poplars) Species: prefers sun but can tolerate partial shade; likes disturbed ground; reproduces by primarily by seed but also by rhizomes; flowers June-Aug; seed dispersed close to parent plant; most seeds germinate in spring; seed viable c.6 years
Site: trail edges – disturbed ground (disturbed by mowing, erosion and compaction) Species: needs sun; prefers deep, well-drained, near- neutral soils; nitrogen fixer; very deep root system (3- 9m) Management: leave, as not practical to prevent disturbance along trails; does not appear to be invading interior; may be preventing establishment of ‘worse’ invasive plants (out-competing and increasing soil fertility example: alfalfa – survey shows widespread along trail edges
Working with the City (and its priorities…)
Importance of monitoring
Looking out for new invasive species What to look out for - City list vs. site list New to Alberta – EDDMapS
Keeping track…
/ / END Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society acknowledges the support of Nature Calgary, the Alberta Stewardship Network, TD Friends of the Environment Fund, and the Alberta Conservation Association