ProD day February 12, 2013
Teaching for Transformation
So … What’s your story?
If … is there a better way? - The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people – a people who desire the kingdom of God and thus undertake their life’s expression of that desire. Jamie Smith
Will you recognize your role? We won’t begin to understand our lives, or what the gospel speaks of, until we understand the Story in which we find ourselves. For when you were born, you were born into an Epic that is underway. John Eldredge “We need to know the Bible story well, to feel it in our bones!”
… to be human is to desire some version of the kingdom … many visions … many “roundtables” … kingdoms are hotly contested … “ J. Smith
For most of us, the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. - John Ortberg -
“The goal of Christian education “is not just a certain way of thinking but a certain way of being in the world, … to lead the student in a Christian way of being in the world.” Christian education provides a vehicle within which a Christian community can learn how to live kingdom priorities “on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) “we are called to reflect that coming kingdom of peace, righteousness, and love in every dimension of life and in all corners of society.” Not just to “teach about kingdom priorities, but intentionally provide opportunities to live these priorities and be characterized by them.”
“This world is His kingdom – He’s building it every minute of every day. And He invites us, His people, to join Him in His kingdom building. He is working to restore the world, all of it, one step at a time – and He wants you and me to be a part of it.” TFT “Welcome to another day in God’s Theater!” “An Invitation to a Better Story” “Lord Over All Things” “Great Christian Education requires Great Christian-Story Tellers”
“It is nothing but a pious wish and a grossly unwarranted hope that students trained to be passive and non-creative in school will suddenly, upon graduation, actively contribute to the formation of Christian culture.” “What if education is not about ideas and information, but about the formation of hearts and desires? Education most fundamentally is a matter of formation, a task of shaping and creating a certain kind of people. These people are distinct because of what they love and desire – the kingdom of God” Smith
Are you a Christian- Story Teller?
Edmonton Christian School opens with 20 students 1999 – 3 campuses, 775 students 1999 agreement with EPS EPS provides the resources for the daily operation of Edmonton Christian Schools. As partners with EPS, the Society remains responsible for providing a unique alternative program Alberta context
Funding the Christian program vision, perspective and content, Preserving the integrity of the School's Christian vision and mission. Elected Board members participate in all school staff interviews and new parent/student interviews Teachers and Administrators are hired only with Board approval Owning, maintaining and enhancing all Edmonton Christian School buildings, furniture and equipment Jointly monitoring the program with Edmonton Public Schools The Christian School society is responsible for:
ECS offers a distinctively Christian program that is an alternative program of Edmonton Public School As a partnership between the Edmonton Society for Christian Education and the Edmonton Public School Board, ECS follows the Alberta curriculum and meets or exceeds all Alberta Education requirements. This partnership enables Edmonton Christian School to keep program fees affordable while providing a strong, continuous Christian education program for our students. A unique alternative program
What exactly is unique and alternative about the Christian schools? What is a distinctive Christian program? The Challenge
Woltersdorf, van Brummelen, Stronks Critical thinking Biblical worldview Responsive discipleship Distinct methodology But … is it enough? Teaching Christianly - history
Start from the things that are most worthwhile (our story) Start from the things that make us most distinct [What must our students know?] Who must our students be(come)? >>> the Christian Through lines Distinct and alternative in content and methodology
Biblical Throughlines God-Worshipper Idolatry-Discerner Servant-Worker Justice-Seeker Beauty-Creator Image-Reflector Creation-Enjoyer Earth-Keeper Order-Discover Community-Builder
TL – the unique / distinctive nature of the student TFT – the alternative way of developing that unique student Throughlines and TfT
Biblical Story Through-lines Learning Outcomes Essential Questions Ensuring Learning Transformational Living Kingdom Building
The Prairie Centre of Christian Education version of teaching for transformation is a uniquely wedding of Christian thinking on curriculum building and cutting-edge technology Print sample of a unit: grade 9 social studies unit on Economy. Throughlines and TfT
Break time
Select a Throughline about which you are most passionate and connected to. Join in groups of 2 or 3
Brainstorm as many topics as you can that connect to the Throughline you have chosen. Select 2 or 3 Learning Outcomes and decide how your group would teach using the Throughline. For each Learning Outcome develop 2 – 3 Essential Questions that will help to ensure learning.
Biblical Story Through-lines Learning Outcomes Essential Questions Ensuring Learning Transformational Living Kingdom Building
Website: ( PW hugo54321 Sample of on-line developed grade 6 Language Arts unit. Curriculum builder Speed builder The potential of doing this online - group Discuss a topic of common interest Log-in Begin the speed build process Throughlines and TfT
Lunch time