Shaping Alberta’s Future Report of the Premier’s Council for Economic Strategy Presented to the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs November 17, 2011 Lorne Taylor, Ph.D.
Shifting economic and intellectual centre of gravity Growing demand for energy – growing environmental concerns Tidal wave of advances in knowledge changing how the world does business A highly interconnected global grid SEISMIC SHIFTS AFFECTING ALBERTA’S FUTURE
A NEW SENSE OF GEOGRAPHY Share of global middle class consumption Building the North American platform Opportunities further afield
THEME 1 FLAGSHIP A Global Centre for Energy To become a leading innovator in making energy from high-carbon resources more acceptable, and a centre of high-carbon expertise
THEME 2 FLAGSHIP Alberta Institute for Advanced Technology To build on Alberta’s strengths and leverage emerging technology to broaden Alberta’s economic base
THEME 3 FLAGSHIP Parity in Educational Outcomes for Young Aboriginal Albertans Action to ensure that Aboriginal young people can benefit from opportunities this province provides, and contribute as skilled and productive workers, engaged citizens and future leaders
THEME 4 FLAGSHIP Alberta Water Authority To realize the full benefit of our precious water resource. To innovate in water stewardship, support expansion of Alberta’s food industry, and earn a reputation for responsible use of water in energy production
Transformational Opportunities in Water Management, An Alberta Water Agency (Authority) Roles and Responsibilities Government Policy Making Regulations Enforcement (Policy, Regulation) Capital Planning Water Agency (Authority) Monitor and Enforce Establish strategic provincial water management information system Development of long term water management plans Anticipate future challenges and opportunities Policy advice Water market (Alberta Water Exchange) Funding
Transformational Opportunities in Water Management, An Alberta Water Agency (Authority) Roles and Responsibilities Municipalities (Urban & Rural) Safe, secure water supplies for people and the economy Wastewater and storm water Capacity issues Licensees, Practitioners, & Stakeholders (AWC, WPAC) Management of physical facilities Participate in development of water management plans Participate in water management decisions Participate in Policy advice
THEME 5 FLAGSHIP A Shaping the Future Fund To invest the capital derived from our resource wealth in shaping the future with intentionality and securing prosperity for Albertans in the future
WHERE TO NEXT? A Call to Action to all Albertans Government cannot do it alone Leadership required from all sectors It will not happen by accident It can happen if Albertans in every walk of life get inspired to take personal action