APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration Outline Introduction What is APEGA? What is a P.Eng.? Who may apply for P.Eng.? Why register as a P.Eng.? How to apply for P.Eng.? On-Line Application Cost of Registration 1
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration Acronyms 2 AcronymDescription APEGAAssociation of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Alberta APEGGA Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, & Geophysicists of Alberta ASETAssociation of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta CCPECanadian Council of Professional Engineers (Engineers Canada) CPDContinuing Professional Development EGP ActEngineering and Geoscience Professions Act FEFundamentals of Engineering (Examination) NPPENational Professional Practice Examination P.Eng.Professional Engineer P.Geo.Professional Geoscientist P.Geol.Professional Geologist P.Geoph.Professional Geophysicist P.L.(Eng.)Provisional Licensee (Engineering) P.R. StatusPermanent Resident Status TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration APEGA (APEGGA) Since APEGBCAPEGAAPEGSAPEGM APEGNB PEG-NL APEYNAPEGG PEO APENS APEPEI OIQ
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration APEGA (APEGGA) Since Under Engineers Canada ( 250,000 Members) Regulates the practice of engineering & geosciences (including licensing) in the province of Alberta (16 Members in Council) Mandated by (EGP) Act Developing codes and standards for Engineering practice and education Ethical conduct Admission into the profession About 68,000 members ( 44,000 P.Eng.)
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration APEGA (APEGGA)... Continued 5
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration What is a P.Eng. 6 A P.Eng. is an individual person or permit holder registered under the EGP Act. The EGP Act governs the practice of engineering, geology, and geophysics in Alberta APEGA regulates the practice of engineering & geosciences by administering the EGP Act
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration Who May Apply for P.Eng. Probable current scenarios Those who practiced engineering in the Philippines (or abroad) and want to practice engineering in Canada Those with engineering experience from the Philippines, worked outside engineering in Canada, but would like to practice engineering again Engineering technologists who like to upgrade to a P.Eng. status Challenges, i.e. Non-recognition of engineering education and experience leading to “survival jobs” 7
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration Why Register as a P.Eng. Benefits of Registration Benefits of Registration Inclusion in Member Register/Networking Participate in APEGA undertakings Member Services, i.e. Use of P.Eng. Title/Stamp/Seal/Ring, APEGA Facilities, APEGA Job BoardAPEGA Job Board “Group” discounts Insurance, Travel, Automotive, Financial, Coverage, Salary Survey Free Subscription to PEG Magazine Relative increase in your salary (case-to-case) Caveats Incompetency, and Unethical Behavior Misuse of P.Eng. Title and/or Stamp Non-compliance with CPD requirement 8
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration How To Apply for P.Eng. Requirements for Registration Citizenship Post-Secondary Education Work Experience Character Knowledge of Law and Ethics (NPPE) English Language Competency (TOEFL) - Completed Forms, Supporting Documents in a very structured format, Fees How To ApplyHow To Apply - 9
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration On-Line Application First-time applicants First-time applicants Former/inactive members Former/inactive members Continuing with an application Continuing with an application Current APEGA member Current APEGA member FORMS/FAQsFORMS/FAQs
APEGA Outline Outline Acronyms Acronyms What is APEGA What is APEGA What is P.Eng. What is P.Eng. Who May Apply Who May Apply Why Register Why Register How To Apply How To Apply On-Line Application On-Line Application Cost of Registration Cost of Registration Cost of Registration for P.Eng. Evaluation by APEGA Provisional License - P.L. (Eng.) 1yr CDN Experience Required Cannot Practice AcceptedRefusedConditionally Approved 11 Registration - P.Eng. $290/annum Can Practice Optional Work -Technologist (ASET) - Eng’ng Coordinator - Document Management - Information Management - Project Controls Application for Registration $285 1 Academics - FE Exam $165 - FE Review $ Mandatory NPPE Exams $140 2 Work Experience (4 yrs) 5 English Proficiency (TOEFL) $250 3 Character evaluation 6 Citizenship