Alberta’s Role in Canada’s Sustainable Future Brady Faught Manojkiran Casilingam Brandon Clevenger Alessandro Deviato
About Alberta ●Conservative Party in power - Premier: Jim Prentice ●Oil and Gas Industry primary export ●Resources & National Contribution [% of Canada]OilNatural GasCoal Production76%69%42% CAN Exports ($) 18.2%2.8%0.4%
Alberta’s Interest in the NES ●Responsible development ●Maintain control ●Freedom of choice ●Emission reductions & oil sands ●Technology ●Market access ●Regulatory framework
Expanding Oil Sands for Canadians ●Increased development and market access will benefit Canadians: o 1 → 2.5 Job Generation Ratio o $1 → $8 Investment to Economic Activity Ratio ●Implementation Criteria for Oil Sand Expansion (PEACE): o Party Revenue o Environmental Protection o Affected Group Involvement o Creating Strong Relationships o Energy Research
Current Climate change strategy ( ): ●Three goals: Energy conservation and efficiency, Greening energy production and CCS ●Reduction of 50Mt from 2005 levels by 2020 and 200Mt by 2050 ●GHG reduction program - CCEMC - $503 million collected were given back as rebates, funds for over 100 clean energy projects
Proposition for the Future ●Phase out coal (40% reduction by 2020 and 100% reduction by 2030) ●Re-structure current carbon tax for effectiveness (20% reduction limit by 2025) ●Increased renewable energy portfolio
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