ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD SCHOLARSHIP Alexander Rutherford had the distinction of being Alberta’s first Premier. He was known for his strong support of public education, particularly the University of Alberta, and his active involvement in community affairs. This scholarship named in his honour, rewards exceptional academic achievement at the senior high school level and encourages students to pursue post-secondary studies. Purpose: To recognize and reward academic achievement at the senior high school level and to encourage students to pursue post-secondary studies. Value: Up to $2,500 Eligibility: To receive this scholarship, you must meet all of these eligibility criteria: Be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident Be an Alberta resident; You or your parent(s) must have resided in Alberta during the qualifying grade(s). Be enrolled in 60% of a full course load in a post-secondary program of at least one semester in length, or an apprenticeship program. *Applicants must also have completed high school on or after September 30, 1980. Selection: A student must have a minimum 75% combined average based on five designated courses in at least one grade: Grade 10, 11 or 12. A student does not need to meet this average in all three school years or in all courses to qualify for a portion of the scholarship. The minimum average, value of the award, and courses that can be used depend on the year the student graduated.
HOW TO APPLY Student Aid Alberta is making applying for the Alexander Rutherford High School Achievement Scholarship easier by implementing a new online application process, and so you need to be aware of the following: The new online application for Alexander Rutherford will be available in early July. Paper copies of the Alexander Rutherford application are no longer being accepted. No more application deadlines! Apply online anytime – once you have been accepted by your preferred post-secondary institution. Existing awards amount, standards for academic merit and excellence does not change. Recipients of the Rutherford Scholars Award will be notified after February 1, 2016. Website:
GRADE 10 Average of 75.0% to 79.9% in five subjects - $300 Average of 80% or higher in five subjects - $400 Average is calculated from 5 designated subjects (Option/CTS courses may also be considered). One of: English 10-1 or 10-2 Français 10, 13 or 10-2 At least two of: Math 10C Science 10 Social Studies 10-1 or 10-2 A language other than one used above in Grade 10 Any two courses with a minimum 3 credit value at Grade 10 level (1000 or 4000 series) including those listed above and combined introductory CTS courses.
GRADE 11 Average of 75.0% to 79.9% in five subjects - $500 Average of 80% or higher in five subjects - $800 Average is calculated from 5 designated subjects (Option/CTS courses may also be considered). One of: English 20-1 or 20-2 Français 20, 23 or 20-2 At least two of: Math 20-1 or 20-2 Chemistry 20 Science 20 Biology 20 Physics 20 Social Studies 20-1 or 20-2 A language other than one used above in Grade 11 Any two courses with a minimum 3 credit value at Grade 11 level (2000 or 5000 series) including those listed above and combined intermediate CTS courses.
GRADE 12 Average of 75.0% to 79.9% in five subjects - $700 Average of 80% or higher in five subjects - $1,300 Average is calculated from 5 designated subjects (Option/CTS courses may also be considered). One of: English 30-1 or 30-2 Français 30 or 30-2 At least two of: Math 30-1, 30-2 or 31 Chemistry 30 Science 30 Biology 30 Physics 30 Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2 A language other than one used above in Grade 12 Any two courses with a minimum 5 credit value at Grade 12 level (3000, 6000 or 9000 series) including those listed above and combined advanced CTS courses.
NOTES French and Français are not the same course and are not interchangeable A course cannot be repeated after a higher level course has been taken in the same sequence. Averages are not rounded up for scholarship purposes. The value of the scholarship is calculated on the overall average in five designated courses as listed under each grade level. All courses listed on an official Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement are acceptable (excludes Driver’s Education), and only marks obtained before the start of post-secondary study can be used. Courses with a “Pass” on a high school transcript are equivalent to a 50% mark. CALM course can be taken in any grade, but the final mark will be calculated in Grade 11.
CAREER & TECHNOLOGY STUDIES (CTS) COURSES Three one credit modules can be combined and used as an option at the Grade 10 and Grade 11 level. Five one credit modules can be combined and used as an option at the Grade 12 level (as of April 2006). To be combined: All courses must be from the same level (i.e. Introductory, Intermediate, or Advanced), Courses can be from different subject areas (i.e. computer courses with welding courses, and Marks will be averaged at the appropriate level.
RUTHERFORD SCHOLARS AWARD Recipients are selected from applications received for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship. A separate application is not required. Course Requirements: The top 10 Alberta students who have received an Alexander Rutherford Scholarship are selected as a Rutherford Scholar. Recipients are selected based on the first writing of Diploma Examinations, and are recognized as Rutherford Scholars to receive an additional $2,500 and a plaque. Qualifying subjects are: One of: English 30-1, 30-2 or Français 30, 30-1 or 30-2 Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2 Plus any three of: Math 30-1 or 30-2 Math 31 Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Science 30 NOTE: Recipients will be notified after February 1, 2016.