Kitaskinaw School received their grant allocation from the Department of Indian & Northern Affairs for the school term. In that timeframe, a team of educators held workshops with the staff to determine priorities within the school program as foundation to what Kitaskinaw School intended to accomplish during the school term. As a result, there were 13 projects identified and focused on during the school term. First Nation Student Success Program Kitaskinaw School-Year Enoch, Alberta
Reading Recovery – Selected staff were trained to address literacy in Division 1. Each week the teachers were released and attended training sessions for this program. Resources were also purchased to supplement this program. Reading Support Materials – Leveled reading books, listening centers, horseshoe tables and Fontas & Pinnell assessment kits were purchased. Middle Year Literacy Intervention (MILI)– Training was provided for Div 11 teachers to implement this program at Kitaskinaw School. MILI Resources were purchased. Balanced Literacy – Teachers in all Divisions were trained in Balanced Literacy. Each teacher may be in either Year 1 or Year 2 of the Program. DEAR – Drop Everything and Read Program – is a school wide initiative were staff and students read on their own in whatever class or program that they are in at the beginning and at the end of the day.
Professional Development – Teachers and teacher assistants participated in training specific to their job placements. Math Manipulatives – Kitaskinaw School secured the services of a math consultant to review with the staff manipulatives and other resources that would best serve the students. Math Resources – Math resources were purchased in alignment with the prescribed Alberta Education math curriculum. Math Instruction – this aspect of the program involved a math consultant working with the entire staff to define best practices, refine teaching techniques and assessments in math programming for students. Math textbooks and consumables were purchased. Phone Master – software was purchased to track student attendance. SIRS was also updated to meet the needs of the school to track literacy and numeracy data. Administrators – were secured to assist in the training, working of the documents, data collection and further development of the FNSSP.
FNSSP developments
Grade 8 students working on BALANCED LITERACY writing assignment: revision and altering paragraphs and substitution writing.
Telephones that our school received as a much needed means of communication for outside resources as well as in school communication.
Shared Reading: Balanced Literacy – put to work in the classroom
Working with the smart board teaching balanced literacy lesson during a coaching visit.
Mrs. Halladay, reading a book purchased with the FNSSP Balance Literacy Project in the library story corner.
Mrs. Halladay, reading a book to division 2 students purchased with the FNSSP Balance Literacy Project.
Math resources purchased with FNSSP Math Literacy Project.
Math & Science resources purchased with FNSSP Grant.
Balanced Literacy Resources and Classroom Libraries purchased with FNSSP Grant.
Read In Week
Math Consultant
Using the classroom phones to contact home for attendance checks, to discuss student successes, and to talk about student progress. It is GREAT to be able to contact parents to share stories about when kids do something fantastic in class!
The use of Smart boards has changed the way our classroom works. The Smart board in-services were very beneficial in helping us get the most out of our Smart boards and in making our teaching much more interesting and meaningful.
Grade 5 students using the Smart Board to record the daily weather for Science.
Grade 5 students reading using Independent Classroom Library Books that are leveled for students reading level.
Teacher’s attending professional development based on “Best Practices” In-service
Reading program to help increase our literacy levels in all grades. Each day at the same time all grades will Drop Everything And Read. The library is full of books for all levels. Each week the students will return a book and get another one.
The interactive electronic whiteboard is great for demonstrations.... The board can accommodate different learning styles... All students respond favorably to board use...
Manipulatives can be used in teaching a wide variety of topics in mathematics. Some students learn better while using manipulatives, some students have fun. Manipulatives can increase engagement, motivation and self- confidence.
Reading Centre
Listening Centre
Reading Centre