Working with Unconventional Oil Producers I-Can Innovation School Rick Tofani VP New Ventures (acting) October 20 th, 2011
AITF’s Vision and Mission Vision: AITF is recognized as Canada’s leader in generating prosperity by accelerating innovation and entrepreneurship. Mandate: Our business is to help build globally competitive commerce in Alberta.
Edmonton Devon 600 employees 100,000 m 2 of bench and pilot-scale facilities Industry driven contract research programs 1,000+ industry clients per year Funding programs focused on talent development Six regional innovation networks ‘Bringing Technology to Market’ funding programs $160 million annual budget Vegreville Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures
Mandate: Tech Futures' business is to build globally competitive commerce in Alberta through Facilitating the commercial use of new technologies Developing new knowledge-based industry clusters Encouraging an entrepreneurial culture in Alberta Tech Futures offers Technical R&D support and advisory services Innovation and talent development programs Regionally accessible commercialization support
Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures
Funding Programs Post Secondary Investments – funding programs for research chairs (research intensive institutions) and research and commercialization centers ($25 million) New Ventures – a number funding programs for industry (6), university TTO’s & college applied research offices, technology development advisors (TDAs) and NGOs ($35 million)
Heavy Oil and Oil Sands (HOOS) The HOOS group at Tech Futures is currently working in the following sub-program areas: Recovery technologies Surface separation technologies Production technologies Quantitative imaging centre Analytical laboratory support
……all in collaboration with other stakeholders such as Canadian and international industry, government, universities and colleges ($100 million/year) AITF A/R and Commercialization Program Model
Our business is to help build globally competitive commerce in Alberta. Innovation Bridges the Gap Traditional ARC FocusIndustry Focus AITF’s Focus Now Commercial Product Discovery
Oil Sands and Heavy Oil Focus!
Oil Sands Statistics (2009) Capital investment: – $13.5 billion ($20.7 in 2008) – $104 billion of infrastructure built from 1999–2009 – $40 billion expected by then end of 2012 Provincial Royalties: $2.2B Proven Reserves at Year End: – billion barrels – 80% by In situ, 20% by mining Industry Revenues: $23.3B Employment: 136,200 (direct) Production: – 1.5 million bbl/d (741,000 bbl/d in 2002) Mining: 55% In-situ: 45% – Oil sands production will grow 3.5 million bbl/d by million bbl/d by 2020 For more information go to:
Nature of Resource Source: ERCB ST
ARC founded Bitumen Production Time Bitumount Suncor Syncrude Cold Lake SAGD technology Rise of Oil Sands
Government R&D $ vs Production 2009 New Projects Online
Stakeholder Challenges/Opportunities Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) Costs continue to increase – Capital is global, not just regional – One of the major operating costs is fuel (natural gas) Labour availability Infrastructure – Private: pipelines, upgraders, refineries (new markets), etc. – Public: roads, housing, education, health care, etc. Environmental Protection – Air, water, land, wildlife New markets – Diluent supply and upgrading Government Policy – royalty, value-added & environmental Alberta Innovates – Energy & Environment Solutions (AIEES) Challenges – technology innovation Natural gas substitution – Rising cost and future availability of natural gas in 2008 but 2011? – Steam generation – Hydrogen for upgrading Improved recovery processes – Significant portion of resource not currently economic Air emissions, land & water management – Land disturbance / reclamation costs – Manage water demands High GHG emissions add significant risks
OLD Conveyor & Tumblers (80°C) Vertical Wells Dragline & Bucketwheel Coal fired Power Plant NEW SAGD Horizontal Wells Truck & Shovel Low Energy Extraction ° C Hydrotransport Co-Gen Power Plants Energy Efficiency 45% Reduction in C0 2 per barrel (1990 vs 2008 technology) Oil Sands: Improved Efficiency
Hybrid Solvent Electrical Energy Lower Energy Extraction Hydrotransport Polygeneration Oil Sands: Future Near zero emissions of sulphur, nitrogen oxides, particulates, mercury, trace elements and organics 40-50% reduction in CO 2 emissions by efficiency improvements, near 100% reduction with carbon management and storage Limited net water use Maximized solid waste usage and value added products Full and effective site remediation & reclamation Low thermal signatures
SAG-D Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
AACI Research Program AITF Core Industry Research Program "To develop significantly improved, economically viable and environmentally sustainable in-situ recovery technologies for heavy oil and bitumen through research evaluation and technology partnerships"
AACI Research Program Focused: In situ recovery of heavy oil and bitumen Reservoir and near wellbore phenomena Stable program currently in 28th year Industry driven & directed 19 industry members 1 government member 1 vote / member 70+ staff at one time ~ $ 3.8 million / year
AACI Members: 2010/11 Alberta Innovates – Energy & Environmental Solutions Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures BP Petroleum Canadian Natural Resources Chevron Computer Modelling Group ConocoPhillips Devon Canada ENI Husky Oil NOTE: $140k/member AITF investment, $1.1 m/yr Imperial Oil Resources JACOS Marathon Oil Canada Nexen Oilsands Quest Inc. Repsol YPF Schlumberger Shell International Statoil Suncor Total
RD&D Delivery Mechanisms Value proposition well defined! Good technology roadmap defined and evergreened Need strong implementation strategy (5 year windows) Champion(s) in place and passionate! Adequately funded – but not too much! Collaboration open to all stakeholders Finding the win-win (i.e., AITF/Idaho National Lab) Pre-competitive vs competitive research Strong program design in place (the technical business case): Representatives of government/producers focus on program direction and decision making Foundation of program is the relationship Trust and confidentiality critical Flexible business/contractual mechanisms Understanding of IP ownership, management and use rights Effective RD&D program management and administration
AITF Working Arrangements Flexible mechanisms for short- & long-term benefit: Joint government-industry research projects & consortia Contract R&D Occupancy and service agreements Medium to large-scale demonstration projects Intellectual property management, licensing & commercialization support (Recently lost mgmnt contract - $1m/year for IP) Support to industry: Help link, both technically and personally, to the appropriate Alberta based energy operator Provide technical support to adapt technology to the Alberta situation and environment Helps to focus activity in the Alberta energy industry and dramatically reduce their risk in developing business opportunities Collaborative work with academia, government and research institutes, and industry
AACI Leadership Structure Policy & Program Committee Program Manager Ideation Leader Project Leaders Evaluation Leader Project Leaders Technology Development Leaders Project Leaders IP Leader IP Creators & Improvers Field Application Leaders Project Leaders Program Administrator Technical Committee
AACI Technologies Current technologies being researched: Expanding Solvent SAGD (& Declining Pressure ES-SAGD) Steam Butane Hybrid (SBH) Process Multi-Stage Combustion Assisted Gravity Drainage (MS-CAGD) Process Cyclic Solvent Injection (CSI) Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Waterflooding
AACI Program Structure IP Stage Program Support Area Program Management, Capital Amortization, Misc. Supporting Projects Program Support Area Program Management, Capital Amortization, Misc. Supporting Projects Ideation Incubator Stage Field Support Stage Commercial recovery processes research & field piloting support Field Support Stage Commercial recovery processes research & field piloting support Idea understandable & reasonable Idea likely achievable & commercial Idea developed as far as reasonable AACI Program Structure and Flow Chart Development Stage Evaluation Stage
Tripartite Strategy Laboratory - Scaled - Field scale - Mechanistic Numerical Simulation - High level users - Model development Field - Data - Testing - Pilot support Uncertainty Reduction Process Development
AACI Research Program Membership Benefits Access to research results from all years of program Prompt disclosure by all is practiced Maintains R&D capacity/skills to support all industry Free License for use of technology developed during membership Publication and promotional rights – upon approval One vote on Policy and Program Committee One vote on Technical Committee Unlimited attendance at workshops and conferences Direct communication between researchers and engineering and field staff throughout the year
Learnings & Benefits Learning Never Stops and there’s always new issues, priorities or obstacles! Partners go, new partners come in, people and therefore ideas perceptions change (regularly). Need to over communicate and focus. Over $1 billion per year in Royalties to the GoA from SAGD operations, but its really about the outcomes..Building the oilsands industry. SAGD & others enables OSTECH/OS-PORT – next generation technology portal and technology assessment and therefore ongoing new opportunities for the AITF (AACI) Program. Building a “technology test mine” in Fort McMurray…is required to test technology at pilot stages.
Defining Innovation Never forget the most important element of innovation !
Questions and Comments from Others !
Contact Information Rick Tofani Vice President New Ventures (acting)