Today’s agenda February 3, 2014 Global or local? Globalization, what is it? Money makes the world go round
Globalization and Identity
Recognizing Globalization Global or local?
What is it? Globalization is a process It is the process by which the world’s citizen are becoming increasingly connected to and dependent on one another
Making Choices
Globalization affect us in many dimensions Economic dimension Social dimension Political dimension
Globalization EconomicSocialPolitical
Economic Globalization Trade Transportation Communication Technology Media (mass communication)
Economic Development Resource - base
Service Industry
Economic Globalization Turn to page 9, read the section Economic Globalization Affecting Who You Are in order to understand the many ways economic globalization affect your life Affecting Your Future, fig. 1-4 Focus in the types of work and its changes
Outsourcing A company in one country hiring another company – usually in a different country – to do part or all of its production.
India calling Read Case study, page 11 in your textbook Answer India calling worksheet
Philippine’s Call-centers Philippine’s Call-centers
Class Forum to Explore the issues about Outsourcing After studying the Philippine and the India outsourcing cases, Would you be more inclined to agree or disagree with the idea of outsourcing? And why?
A corporation that operates in two or more countries Turn to page 16 Transnational
McDonald’s countrylanguageSpecial menu itemOther: architecture, advertisements,# of restaurants, etc China Italy
Today’s agenda February 4, 2014 i’m lovin’ it results Social Globalization and you
Economic Globalization 1.Is the economic globalization of food products a good or a bad thing? 2.What are the advantages and disadvantages for the countries that produce these products? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages for the countries that purchase these objects?
Social Globalization and you Social Globalization and you Music
Social globalization and you What will I watch tonight?
Social Globalization and you
Global diversity or not?
Today’s agenda Wednesday Feb. 5, 2014 Project No. 1, A Day in My Globalized Life Due Day Tuesday 12, 2014
Should globalization shape identity? What I buy? How I think? What language I speak? Does it affect who I am?
A Day in My globalized life A Day in My globalized life Project No. 1 Write a Journal Reflection titled, “A Day in My Globalized Life.” Identify what you hear, eat, drink, wear, see, use, and so on. Document what you do and where you go Identify global connection of any sort
A Day in My Globalized Life Here is an example of an opening line: “I woke up at 6:30 a.m. to the insistent alarm of my clock radio (made in Japan) and listened to one song (Invisible by Hunter Hayes from the United States) before I crawled out of bed…” Brainstorm your ideas but also your feelings and emotions use a concept web to help you organize the topics
Brainstorm and make concept webs you say =first language examples hear wear family tree eat pages 7 & 8
Do Don’t Do Don’t Do go for quantity. Come up with as many ideas as possible. Write everything down Don’t hold back. Say whatever comes to mind Do suggest both practical and impractical ideas Don’t debate or discuss the ideas Do piggyback on other people’s ideas Don’t criticize other’s ideas – There are no wrong ideas Do get everyone taking partDon’t debate what gets written down
Today’s agenda Thursday Feb. 6, 2014 Connections, connections, connections Globalization worksheet # 1
Global Youth Global Youth
Political Globalization
Globalization and Identity
How are these connected?
Lubicon Cree Lubicon Cree live in Northern Alberta War breaks out in the middle east – Israel versus Arab countries
Lubicon Cree Arab countries withhold oil US looks to Alberta (Lubicon terrritory) Lubicon Cree lose their traditional way of life (hunting, trapping, etc.) In 1979 – less than 10% of the Lubicon Cree were on welfare. In 1983, it became a welfare- dependent community, more than 90% of its people were on welfare. The UN has condemned what has happened to the Lubicon Cree, but nothing has been done about it Lubicon CreeLubicon Cree
How are these connected?
Coltan Coltan: a metal that allows high volumes of electricity in cell phones, MP3 players, and laptops 28 million Canadians own cell phones 28 million Canadians own cell phones
Coltan Harvested in Congo Dangerous work, child labour Contributes to conflict and war Land is destroyed, and so are mountain gorillas Is your cell phone contributing to war? war
How are these connected?
Banana Republics The United States have three largest MNC’s based in Central America and the Caribbean countries:
Banana Republics 42% of Guatemala’s arable land owned by the United Fruit Company Land Reform in Guatemala by the Árbenz’ government The CIA and the Einsenhower Administration planned a coup d’état in 1952 to overthrow Árbenz’ government
Banana workers believe the chief negative impacts of growing bananas on huge plantations are: High levels of contamination in rivers and land due to pesticides High levels of contamination in rivers and land due to pesticides Large scale deforestation, which erodes riverbanks and provokes floods Large scale deforestation, which erodes riverbanks and provokes floods Acute and chronic damage to worker’s health, through pesticide use, filthy housing and general low quality of life on the plantation Acute and chronic damage to worker’s health, through pesticide use, filthy housing and general low quality of life on the plantation Lack of labour union rights Lack of labour union rights High levels of migration and low wages can lead to alcoholism, violence, addiction and family disintegration High levels of migration and low wages can lead to alcoholism, violence, addiction and family disintegration Endangering of wildlife and indigenous tribes. Endangering of wildlife and indigenous tribes.
How are these connected?
Wal-Mart Watch “The High Cost of Low Price” Big Box-Mart Big Box-Mart
Project Collage Concept Web Journal Response Collage Due Day Tuesday 12, 2014