ECT, etc.
ECT: EDMONTON CATHOLIC TEACHERS Local 54 of the Alberta Teachers' Association
Alberta Teachers' Association 54 locals across the province ECT is your local
Alberta Education 62 school jurisdictions ECS is your jurisdiction
ATA president: Mark Ramsankar Minister of Education: The honorable Gordon Dirks
ECS superintendent: Ms Joan Carr ECT Local President: Mr Greg Carabine
So.... You "belong" to both an employer and a professional association.
What does your local do for you? Bargains your collective agreement (salary and benefits negotiations) Gives advice (role of Executive Director, Kathy MacIsaac)
What does your local do for you? Provides professional development opportunities for all teachers in Edmonton Catholic Mentors beginning teachers
What does your local do for you? provides Intervisitations awards scholarships and bursaries to teachers and children of teachers
What does your local do for you? Coordinates the School Opening Mass ( a joint project with ECS) Plans a variety of special events including New Teacher Induction, Teacher Retirement
What does your local do for you? Communicates with teachers via school reps, weekly Intercom, monthly Local News Visits schools
What does your local do for you? Gets teachers involved! Social Justice, Communications and Public Relations, Political Engagement, Governance, Economic Policy, PD for teachers and administrators, Scholarship Selection, Special Event Planning, Social committee Gives away lots of prizes