The Educational System of Valkeakoski
Educational System of Valkeakoski
Pre-primary Education Administered by the day care department Takes place in primary schools Children enter pre-primary education the year they reach the age of 6 Organized within each of the six day care districts in Valkeakoski 219 children participate during the school year
Basic Education Valkeakoski offers first-rate, uniform basic education governed by a municipality-specific curriculum The municipality-specific curriculum is based on the national core curriculum and the Basic Education Act Takes place in comprehensive schools Valkeakoski has 12 comprehensive schools –nine schools for grades 1-6 (for 7-12 year olds) –three schools for grades 7-9 (for year olds) –Number of students per school varies from 32 to pupils during the school year 166 teachers (includes teachers in the upper secondary school) Average group size 19
General Upper Secondary Education The Valkeakoski upper secondary school is a regionally significant educational institution offering high quality educational services Valkeakoski has one general upper secondary school for youth and one upper secondary school for adults General upper secondary school for youth –for youth aged –scope of programme is 2-4 years –gradeless –special curriculum for mathematically gifted students with a yearly admission of 20 students –325 students during the school year
General upper secondary school for adults –courses take place in the evenings –geared towards the adult population –offers the possibility to finish basic or upper secondary education –offers the possibility to take single courses in various subjects –offers upper secondary education also in prison
Vocational Education Valkeakoski Vocational Institute is a modern vocational school that offers first- rate education with clear focus on the needs of the economic life in the region. about 800 students. The scope of the study programme is three years The four sectors of education provided by the school are –Technology and Transport –Tourism, Catering and Home Economics –Health and Social Services –Business and Administration The students of the school also have an opportunity of choosing vocational studies leading to the matriculation examination. The age of the students is years. Fields and qualifications of vocational education Both vocational and core subjects - such as Mathematics, Finnish, Swedish, English, Civics, Chemistry, Physics, ADP, Arts and Culture and Sports - are included in every program.
Polytechnic Häme Polytechnic in Valkeakoski –Polytechnic qualifications for youth and adults: engineer (AMK), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) –Specialized studies and further training for company employees as well as individuals –Research and development services for both the private and the public sectors and various organizations –Internationalization services for private sector companies (especially Europe and South-East Asia) –Intensive, diverse regional and international cooperation –Approximately 700 students