1 Termination and Sustainability When project end, the project manager’s responsibilities continue: equipment, staff, deliverables, final reports etc. Project maintenance: is a separate and distinct undertaking from the initial project The fastest growing area of project management lies in the information area (T i SPAR MED OPPRETT )
2 Key Lesson 1 Avoiding pitfalls. Recognize that problems will arise in spite of best efforts. Three principal sources of project failure: Organizational factors: arbitrary rules, micromanagement from the top, right people, haphazard budgeting: Coordinate & influence. Recognize limits & frustrations.Spend much time on what you can influence.
3 Key Lesson 2 Inability to Identify Customer Needs and to Specify Requirements Adequately. What is suggested, approved and ordered and what is actually required. Management’s view, designer’s opinion & ”expert” opinion. Customer needs and project requirements are major sources of project failure
4 Key Lesson 3 - Poor planning and control: Instruments: WBS (Work-Breakdown Structure) Gantt Charts, PERT charts (Program Evaluation & Review Technique) /CPM charts (Critical Path Method), Resource Matrix, Resource Gant Chart, Resource Spreadsheet, Resource Loading Charts or histogram, Resource Levelling, Graphic Control of Projects. How much planning and control should we undertake?
5 Key Lesson 4 Not enough to avoid pitfalls. The project manager must also guide the project forward proactively. Project guidance has something to do with: Leadership Entrepreneurship Politics: the ability to influence others
6 Produksjons- og innovasjonsprosessene Lederskap Input og etterspørsel Utviklingsspørsmål Organisering & styring Produksjon Engasjement & Økonomiske resultater
7 The opponents?
8 A systems theoretical picture: [1a]- organisational environment & projects 2- project localization & identification 3. organizational policy & projects ______________II__________________ 4- project management 5- project staff & teams 6- empowerment & team identity ______________III__________________ 7- tasks & activites 8- project evaluation [1i]- termination & sustainability key lessons to learn