SCW m’Clave 2007 Our clave was held April at the Davidson River Campground near Brevard, NC. A great time was had by all! Several showed up as early as April 15 but were forced to spend their first night in a hotel due to high winds and falling trees. The weather did cooperate and while cold during the nights, the days were warm and the rain was almost non-existent. Attendees are listed to the left representing community from the states of NY, VA, NC, GA, and FL. Several 20+ inch trout were caught and of course released and Richard Turner “rescued” a duckling that had hooked itself on a trout fly lost to a tree and still dangling from the tippet. Kudos' to Richard for this rescue! The mama duck expressed her thanks quite vocally as well. Steve brought the NEC/Lake Placid/Alberta Clave mascots to their first SCW as well. All attendees decided SCW will identify and provide a mascot for future claves. Steve also brought his field kitchen and cooked up a storm to help fatten us all up during the clave. Steve is welcome to attend future SCW claves as a result. We discussed possible locations for SCW m’Clave 2008 and Buddy and I are discussing them. The following pictures memorialize SCW m’Clave Attendees: Richard and Marion Turner, Mike Ray, Buddy Nichols, Gary Hull, Richard and Cindy Clodfelter, Tom Rude, Steve Wietner
Mike Ray discussing the biggest trout he caught!
l-r Cindy, Wayne, Marion, and Richard Turner.
Water fall on Looking Glass Creek
Another waterfall on Looking Glass Creek.
Gary and Richard Turner the day Gary arrived.
Gary changing into his camping clothes from his business casual atire on the day he arrived.
Gary on the Davidson River.
Gary still trying to catch a trout on the Davidson River!
Gary eyeing up Looking Glass Creek.
Gary, Richard T., Mike, and Steve solving the worlds problems.
Marion (foreground), l-r Gary, Mike, Steve, and Wayne During the Saturday evening potluck.
l-r, Marion, Richard T., and Gary.
Saturday night with Steve (fg) and Mike Ray.
Marion relaxing at camp.
Mike, Gary, and Steve with mascots.
Saturday night potluck chatter.
More Saturday night potluck chatter…we did a lot of this.
Richard and Marion at camp.
Richard fishing the Davidson.
l-r Gary, Marion, and Richard T.
Richard, Mike, and Gary cooking one night.
Another Looking Glass Creek waterfall.
Steve fishing the Davidson River.
Wayne and Gary visiting.
Richard Warren, Richard Turner, and Steve Weitner.
Marion, Richard T., Wayne, Cindy, Steve, Buddy, Mike, and Gary.
Saturday night potluck with everyone.
Gary suiting up!
Gary still suiting up.
Gary looking for the right fly!
l-r, Gary, Mike, Buddy, Steve.
Saturday night, l-r, Gary, Mike, Buddy, Cindy, Wayne, Marion.
Buddy, Gary, and Steve with the mascots Steve brought.
Attendees at SCW m’Clave 2007.
Marion and Richard admiring the mascots Steve brought.
Mike Ray toasting the mascots.
Mike, Gary, and Steve with the NEC/Lake Placid/Alberta clave mascots.
Potluck eating and visiting.
Richard Warren, Marion, and Richard Turner.
SCW m’Clave 2007 attendees.
Steve brought the other clave mascots.
Richard and Marion’s campsite as seen from Steve’s camp.
We did a lot of visiting Saturday night.
Wayne, Buddy, Gary, and Mike.