Distribuerede Systemer
Tema The Distributed Application Engineering specialisation aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of distribution methodologies and their impact on system availabillity, performance and reliabillity.
Road Map ind i DIRS Distribuerede Systemer
Semestre ● 8. sem: Network Management ● 9. sem: Distributed Real Time Systems ● 10. sem: Speciale
8. sem: Network Management PURPOSE: * To provide knowledge of network management methodologies within telecommunication systems in general. * To provide understanding of how existing policies influence the efficiency and service profile of telecommunication systems. * To enable student to analyse and design functioning management systems for communication purposes. CONTENTS: Project work is based on an existing communication system, where efficiency may be improved by better network management. The communication system is analysed with respect to capacity, user profiles, required quality of service and existing network management policies. Ideas for improved network management are presented and some are selected for further investigation. A simulation system is designed and implemented on which the selected management policy is implemented and tested. If possible the selected management system is tested on the real life communication system. Simulation/Test results are given proper statistical treatment and conclusions are made with respect to improvement and statistical significance.
8. sem: Network Management ● Ingeniøransvar 1 ECTS SE ● Neural Network and Fuzzy logic 1 ECTS ● Network Management 3 ECTS ● Traffic analysis 1 1 ECTS ● Kommunikationssystemer 2 1 ECTS ● Self learning Systems 2 ECTS ● Human Computer Interaction 2 ECTS ● Graph Theory 2 ECTS
8. sem: Network Management Projekt eksempler ● RT-modellering af Sonofons MSN network vha DNC ● Quality of Service for Computer Gaming – An Evaluation of DiffServ ●
9. sem: Distributed RT Systems PURPOSE: * To provide knowledge and understanding of analysis and design methodologies of distributed real time systems. * To provide understanding of the importance of reliable temporal behaviour in dependable systems. CONTENTS: Project work is based on a general problem, where distributed real time systems provide possible solutions. The problem is analysed w.r.t. communication needs and associated quality of service aspects. A number of communication technologies and architectures are compared to the needs identified and some are selected among those for further treatment. A distributed real system is designed as a solution to the problem based on the selected technology and architecture. A number of elements, sufficient to demonstrate the virtues of the designed system, are implemented. Test is performed at module and system levels and acceptance testing is partly specified. At every relevant level temporal behaviour and reliability should be tested.
9. sem: Distributed RT Systems ● Hybrid Systems 1 ECTS ● Discrete Event Systems 1 ECTS ● Traffic analysis 2 1 ECTS ● Analysis and design of fault tolerant distributed realtime systems 1 ECTS
9. sem: Distributed RT Systems Projekt eksempler ● P2P Internet Radio System – Based on Kademlia ● Multipurpose Wireless LAN using Bluetooth ● Airport Ground Vehicle Surveillance System ● Developing a Robust Protocol for Wireless Fire Alarms ● Routing Protocol Evaluation for a Battlefield Communication System ● Wireless Network in Warehouse using Bluetooth ● Analysis, Design and Prototype Implementation of Bluetooth Scatternet Carrying MPEG-4 Video Traffic ● TOMPED
9. sem: Distributed RT Systems Projekt eksempler ● Distribueret Kedelstyringssystem ● Provision of Highly Available IP-based services ● Performance Optimization in Wireless Multi-hop Networks via Analytic Models ● Optimization of Downlink Throughput for Cellular WCDMA systems using Markov Decision Processes ● Energy-Efficient Operation of Bluetooth Networks ● Trådløst Sensornetværk til Staldsystemer ● Satelite Ground Station Network
Road Map ud af DIRS Distributed Systems CSR, TTPCOM, Texas Instruments, BLIP-systems, Ericsson, Siemens, ETI, Gatehouse, Vestas, FLS Automation, Skov A/S, Systematic, DATOR (Crisplant), Migatronic, Terma, Grundfos, B&O, Danfoss (Sauer/Drives), RTX, CISS,....
DIRS – people