The Admission Interview General Information Preparation Presentation & Impressions Conversation & Questions Tips, concerns, comments
General Information Two types of interviews Evaluative – more structured, usually becomes part of one’s application and used during the review, conversation Informational – more laid back approach, interactive conversation, both parties are asking questions, looking for fit May be required or optional On-campus vs. off-campus Admission representative, alumni, senior interviewer, faculty member
Preparation Do your research Have written questions & concerns Ask these at every visit and compare Be prepared to talk about your high school experiences and your college search How have you done academically over the years? What led you to consider XYZ University? What are your interests? Get the most out of your visit!
Presentation & Impressions Attire - always dress and look “presentable” –Low cut tops, short skirts, hat head –Remember this is an interview (just like a real job interview) There’s only one opportunity for a first impression – be memorable but not notorious Body language, eye contact, bad habits Be comfortable and be yourself RELAX!!!
Scholarship Interviews It is the biggest determining factor by this time – everyone is a great student May be formal face-to-face, over meals, walking across campus – everyone is always watching and listening Personality, interactions with others The real “make it or break it” factor
Conversation & Questions Be very interactive and avoid the obvious Talk about very important matters – time is of the essence Make sure that both of you walk away with all the information needed to make decisions Academics, social life, internships, study abroad, etc. Ask about your candidacy for acceptance
Tips, concerns, comments “The Right Answer” Brag, now is the time Follow up note or letter Always be “On” Questions? Concerns?
The Admission Essay Basics and purpose DO’s & DON’Ts Topics & suggestions The writing process Wrap Up Questions & Concerns
Basics & Purpose Shows written communication skills as well as clarity of one’s thinking Allows the student to be more than a gpa & score - evaluative Allows us to get to know the student as a “person” Ability to confront topics and voice opinions
DO’s Research the school Make sure to answer the question that was given Be sincere, honest and inform us about YOURELF Enlighten the reader of your distinctive characteristics Have continuity MAKE sure to change the name of the institution!
DON’Ts Do not try to impress or flatter us Do not be negative, evasive, cute, silly Do not write about everything – specific Do not write what you think others want to read AGAIN – DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL
Topics & Suggestions Brainstorm and self analyze - strengths List of activities What excites you and what you enjoy Narrow and choose topic – be specific All should reveal you and cover thoroughly Be different – don’t “google” or use common essay topics Remember your audience and timing
The Writing Process Think and prepare before you write Focus on a specific topic & write in your own style Write a draft (rather type it) Spell check and grammar check Take a break, proofread, read aloud Have someone else proofread it Rewrite it
Wrap Up Grab our attention and distinguish yourself Show us rather than tell us – give examples, be descriptive, bring it to life Reveal yourself in your writing Well written, creative, and personal Good writing is good thinking!
Questions & Concerns