Malaria Advocacy Activities 2006 By Josephine Nyambe
International Race AgainistMalaria To raise awareness against malaria among political Church and Traditional Leaders Increased exposure to malaria messages at community level April 2006 – During Africa Malaria Day
Africa Malaria Day To highlight the malaria issues and advocate for support from all leaders Public, Civic, Community and Political Leadership A week around Africa Malaria Day
SADC Malaria Day To highlight the malaria issues and advocate for support from all leaders Public, Civic, Community and Political Leadership A week around SADC Malaria Day
Medicine for Malaria Venture Stake holders Meeting Update stake holders on the progress MMV’s anti malarial drug portfolio Solicit for support in the implementation on malaria activities Stake holder, Donors, Ministries May 2006
Advocacy Meeting For Politians To enlighten MP’s on emerging issues in Malaria and how they can participate in the programs. Members of Parliament, Ministers, Heads of Ministries. July 2006
Launch Of Malaria Communication Strategy To advocate for support in the implementation of the strategy. Local District Leaderships, Health Management teams. March 2006.