This article and any supplementary material should be cited as follows: Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh, J, Stokes E, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E. An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012;49(6):949–60. Slideshow Project DOI: /JRRD JSP An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study Stefano Mazzoleni, PhD; Jo Van Vaerenbergh, PhD; Emma Stokes, PhD; Gábor Fazekas, MD, PhD; Paolo Dario, PhD; Eugenio Guglielmelli, PhD
This article and any supplementary material should be cited as follows: Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh, J, Stokes E, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E. An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012;49(6):949–60. Slideshow Project DOI: /JRRD JSP Aim – Present design, technical development, and preliminary validation of innovative mechatronic device for force/torque (F/T) measurements of isometric exercises taken from human foot using pilot data. Relevance – Functional assessment of foot motor performance and its rehabilitation after neurological injuries represents fundamental stage for recovery of activity of daily living tasks, essential for independent living.
This article and any supplementary material should be cited as follows: Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh, J, Stokes E, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E. An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012;49(6):949–60. Slideshow Project DOI: /JRRD JSP Methods 5 subacute stroke, 5 nondisabled subjects. – Evaluated using Fugl-Meyer (FM) lower-limb subscore and Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) subscores. Requirements for functional platform: – Separately measure F/T data from whole foot and great toe from subject seated on wheelchair. – Easy and quick to adjust per anthropometrical features. – Usable on both sides. – Minimum operator time and physical effort. – Low height. – Records measurements from different postures. – Modular.
This article and any supplementary material should be cited as follows: Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh, J, Stokes E, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E. An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012;49(6):949–60. Slideshow Project DOI: /JRRD JSP Results Platform was incorporated into Alladin Diagnostic Device, capable of measuring F/T data from eight body districts during isometric exercises. F/T ranges comply with available data. Foot and great toe sensors were accurate enough to consider different anthropometrical sizes and weights. Increasing trend in F/T values between admission and discharge accompanied by increased FM and MAS scores. Preliminary comparison between stroke and nondisabled subjects showed that different trends can be observed because of high intersubject variability.
This article and any supplementary material should be cited as follows: Mazzoleni S, Van Vaerenbergh, J, Stokes E, Fazekas G, Dario P, Guglielmelli E. An ergonomic modular foot platform for isometric force/torque measurements in poststroke functional assessment: A pilot study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2012;49(6):949–60. Slideshow Project DOI: /JRRD JSP Conclusions Ergonomic features of platform facilitate operator’s job in terms of time and physical effort. We suggest that measurements of ground reaction forces taken from foot of poststroke patient during initiation of activities of daily living tasks can provide information about motor recovery and enlighten possible areas of application, ranging from isometric motor exercise in neurorehabilitation to foot-based human-machine interface.