Reading For Success Using strategies and techniques to enhance your comprehension and understanding.
Objective The objective of this presentation is to enlighten my audience on how they can seize the power in utilizing effective reading strategies to better equip them for academic Success.
Reading is Fundamental Reading is an intricate part of our culture and our society. Being able articulate and communicate your thoughts and ideas on any level is a reflection on your reading capabilities and understanding. So what’s the problem?....
Problems With reading being such an important part of learning, most people don’t read. Because most people don’t read regularly, comprehension levels of the average are low In schools, most textbooks aren’t understood by the students.
Textbooks- Why are they Hard? Text Structure Information Overload Law of the textbook Vocabulary and Concepts
Overcoming the Textbook Text Structure Visual Organizers Peer or Group Reading a. Collaborative Summaries Question Author
Visual Aids Comparison Organizer Sequence Organizer Topic Description Organizer Cycle Organizer Problem Solution Organizer Cause-Effect Organizer
Effective Note Taking The ability to take clear and precise notes of what you read will better allow you to understand more clearly the material that you read. It’s okay to reflect your thinking in your notes. The relatable you make the information to you, the susceptible you are to actually retaining the information.
Note Taking Techniques Concept Maps Area Volume Graph Split-Screen Notes Cornell Method
Difficulty With Terminology Understanding vocabulary is essential to understanding information presented in textbooks. Remembering and processing the terminology used in readings.
Mastering Vocabulary The key to understanding vocabulary is to find ways of connecting and organizing the meanings. By using strategies and techniques to better process new vocabulary terms you will be able to better comprehend what it is that you are reading.
CODE CODE is an acronym that is used to help make vocabulary memorable. C- Connect with new Vocabulary O- Organize Vocabulary D- Deep process Vocabulary E- Explore core Vocabulary
Application We’ve all heard that reading is fundamental but very few take this literal. With the suggested techniques and skills mentioned here, you now are equipped with the skills and information needed in order to take full advantage of what reading can offer you.
It’s Up To You!!!!!
Works Cited Reading for Academic Success Powerful Strategies for Struggling Average, and Advanced Readers, Grades 7-12 Perini, Matthew; Silver, Harvey; Richard, Strong; Tuculescu, Gregory. Corwin Press, Inc. Thousand Oaks, California copyright 2002.