2 INTRODUCTION HENNET has grown to 70 members from 51 since the last AGM. 2007/08 saw HENNET complete most of its scheduled activities as outlined in the work plan Involvement of its members in sector activities
3 Cont. Participation of HENNET and its members during the Post Election Violence (PEV) HENNET’s funding status: Cordaid, GTZ, AED and Wemos.
4 HENNET Progress in 2007/08 1.Organization and Management HENNET is governed by a board of 11 member organizations Formation of district focal points in districts where members have activities. Currently 18 members have volunteered in 31 districts Carried out an organizational audit for the secretariat. Developed of a fundraising strategy to guide fundraising activities over the next five years.
5 Cont. TWGs have been established to support the Board and the secretariat achieve and meet its objectives. Currently there are 4: a)The Community Based Health Care (CBHC) b)The best practices documentation taskforce c)The RH taskforce d)The ICT taskforce
6 Cont. Revision of the HENNET constitution through legal input from CHAK. Carried out a client satisfaction survey late last year. About 93% of the respondents are satisfied by the services received from the secretariat.
7 2. Capacity Building Two capacity building workshops were held during the year. The Health and Human Rights workshop culminating into production of 3 reader friendly documents. A SWAp workshop to enlighten members on the subject and a resource document was produced.
8 3. Information Sharing Use of the HENNET website: which is continually uploaded with relevant health operational publications and documents by members has increased. Its currently undergoing a restructuring with support from GTZ. Documentation of best practices amongst the members in 3 key thematic areas.
9 Cont. Biannual (May and November) CEO’s breakfast meetings aimed at updating the CEO’s on HENNETs progress and to deliberate on key issues at policy level. Production of HENNET biannual newsletter.
10 4. Advocacy and Participation in the KHSWAp. Developed a draft Public Private Policy (PPP) framework. Participation in the and secretariat to the Community strategy TWG. Secretariat to the pilot mapping exercise. Involvement in AOP 4 planning and implementation process.
11 5.Fostering Partnerships Representation in various MOH initiatives through relevant committees. Collaboration with relevant health Networks/Secretariats. Continued collaboration with Development Partners in Health (DPH - K).
12 What have been the challenges so far? Split of the former Ministry of Health. Functional an effective DHSFs. Stable funding Feedback by members to HENNET after representation in various forums and taskforces Failure to honor commitments in committees and task forces by members. Increased demands on the secretariat. Renewal of membership.
13 Looking Forward Launching of HENNET Moving forward on agreed advocacy agendas. Stable funding base. Continued capacity building of members.