September 5 th, st Fall Meeting
ABOUT US The mission of the Pre-PA Society is to encourage, recognize and promote the personal and professional development of those students who have expressed an interest in becoming reputable health care providers. The essence of the consortium is to provide academic support and professional insight by fostering growth in each member while upholding the highest standards of ethics in the medical field. Furthermore, the organization will serve to promote awareness of the Physician Assistant (PA) profession as a viable career choice, to provide each member with a thorough understanding of the role of the PA profession, and to support each member through the PA application.
3 WHY BECOME A PA? You should consider the Physician Assistant occupation if you have a strong interest in medicine, do not want to be in school or incur debt over 4 years and still have specialty training as a physician would, but still want autonomy, medical skills and a good income. 3
POINT SYSTEM Distinguished = 30 points Recognized = 20 points Active= 10 points Meetings: 1 point Meeting with Pre-PA Society shirt worn: 2 points Social Event: 2 points Fundraising Event (at least one hour): 3 points Volunteer Event: 4 points You must be a recognized member to run for office!
FUNDRAISERS & EVENTS Chocolate Candy Sales Various locations/times Taco Sale September 20 at 8 AM in front of McKinney Building Bake Sale October 18 at 8 AM; location TBA Donut/Coffee/Hot Cocoa Sale November 29 at 8 AM; location TBA
BLS CERTIFICATION CLASS Date: Saturday October 20 th, 2012 Time: 9 AM Place: UTSA Campus—TBA Cost: $35 Limited spots available—first come, first serve! If you are interested in signing up, please contact: Jenna (Treasurer) (361)
VOLUNTEER EVENTS FOR SEPTEMBER September 15, 2012 Habitat for Humanity (7:30AM to 3:30PM) September 17, 2012 Pre Health Professions Night (Starts at 7:00PM) Retama Room UC September 22, 2012 Haven for Hope (Warehouse) 1:00PM to 4:00PM September 25, 2012 Blood Drive (11:00AM to 4:00PM)
9 HOW TO STAY UPDATED?! Collegiate Link: Website: Facebook:
ANDREA GUEVARA Position— President Year— Senior Major—Biology Why I love PA Society: It has always been able to encourage and enlighten me about the process of becoming a Physician Assistant. It is my bi-monthly reminder of why we are working so hard and helps to push me forward. Now I want to help others and push them in the right direction, with motivation and positivity.
Position—Public Relations Year—Senior Major—Community Health Heather Wright
CATALINA RODRIGUEZ Position—Vice President Year—Senior Major—Biology; Concentration in Microbiology. Why I love the PA Society: I joined the PA society to gain fellowship with students interested in the health field. I hope to make this next year a productive and successful one.
AISHA AYAD Position—Volunteer Coordinator Year—Junior Major—Public Health Why I love the PA Society: It’s very beneficial and informative! You get to meet new people that share the same goals. Good networking! Make new friends
JENNA ANDEL Position—Treasurer Year—Junior Major—Community Health Minor—Biology Why I love the PA Society: Essential Resource for: Prepping for applying Expectations Networking Opportunities Bond with those who share same ambition.
NEXT MEETING!! September 20, :00PM Chicano-Cultural UC