Developed in 2007 by 3 female supervisors who recognized a need within their organization.
Current WIP Membership 263 Members
A team-building program meant to increase networking between all female employees of the Travis County Sheriff’s Office.
Maintain the Criminal Justice Field as an honorable profession. Encourage the application of the highest ethical standards by the exchange of methods and ideas. Secure a closer official and professional relationship among women of the Sheriff’s Office.
Healthy Living In An Unhealthy World
Working in a Male Dominated Field
The Four Agreements
Annual ROPES Course
o Women in Criminal Justice Open House o Brown Santa o Cupcake Challenge o Daisy 5K o Diva Dish o Explorers o Meet and Greet Cobra Cadets o Out of Darkness Walk o Race for the Cure EVENTS
FUNDRAISERS o Cinco De Mayo Booths o Breakfast Sales at Courthouse o Mother and Father Day Baskets o Pink Project
FEMALE EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION DAY Annual Event Breakfast and Lunch Door prizes Gift Bags Services
CAREER BUILDER Annual Workshops. Open to Female and Male staff. Designed to assist with Career Development. Over 50 participants will have achieved promotion by the end of 2014.
LIFE Ladies In Fitness and Encouragement Begins at the start of each New Year Commitment to Team
WISE Women In Supervisory Encouragement Build Relationships with other female supervisors: Better understanding of each other’s role and mission Possible mentor/mentee relationships Guidance and support referral or strategic partnerships Share and discuss experiences, challenges, accomplishments and goals.
Quarterly meetings held outside work location. Leader must have planned exercises that will engage members, allow members to learn about each other and brings forth new connections and relationships. Meeting should be relaxed and informal.
Female Supervisors in support positions do not have as large of a peer group as those in sworn supervisory positions. We really do not know each other on a personal basis. When we learn about each other on a personal basis we have a greater respect for each other.
When you break away from the daily grind and connect with your peers in a productive climate, you come back with a renewed spirit and feeling of support around you. When you personalize your relationships, you are more willing to reach out to others when you or they need assistance.
Support – Train – Respect – Involve – Validate - Empower Professional Training Seminar directed towards Female Supervisors in the Criminal Justice Field. Designed to instill the excitement and energy needed to move each participant and their agency to the next level.
Participants engaged in activities designed to enlighten themselves to the power they have to make. positive changes for themselves and those that will follow. Held at the Mayan Ranch in Bandera, Texas. 29 Participants representing 11 different Agencies across Texas.
KEYS TO SUCCESS Leaders willing to commit to organization. Ability to rotate Key Leader Role within organization. Support of Command Staff.
Ability to involve all bureaus within the Organization. Vision to keep organization moving forward and expanding. Mentoring of new leadership. Volunteers
Since inception, 8 articles have been published regarding Women In Partnership activities in the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Employee Newsletter. Since 2010, five articles about Women In Partnership and it’s spin-off programs have been published in the Texas Jail Association Key Issues Publication. READ ALL ABOUT IT!