WRITTEN BY: KELLY AUTENRIETH ANA GARCIA ENGLISH 110 INSTRUCTOR: JENNIFER CARMEN Immigration: The Everlasting Controversy About Us Project Description What We’ve Learned English 110 Objective Writing Process: Strengths & Challenges Example
Kelly Autenrieth Ana Garcia The Writers New Vernon, NJ Majors: Journalism and International Studies Durham, NC Majors: International Studies and Political Science Home Project Description Writing Process: Strengths & Challenges What We’ve Learned Eng 110 Objective Example
Project Description Home About Us Writing Process: Strengths & Challenges What We’ve Learned English 110 Objective Example Our project is aimed to disprove the common fallacies the American population possesses towards immigration and immigrants by arguing the economic benefits immigrants bring to the United States. Also, we argue that an immigration reform in the United States is necessary and pertinent to provide equal and fair opportunities as well as prosperous livelihoods for immigrants.
Strengths Challenges As a pair, we could gather more research and divide those resources between ourselves, thus allowing us to have greater focus on our individual research Bridged together our own individual writing styles and voices We learned from each other through the similarities and differences behind our writing education Incorporated both of our interests and individual passions within this paper so that one person’s voice did not dominate the project Choosing a topic we both felt equally passionate about Scheduling conflicts and finding the time to work together efficiently As a pair, there will always be constructive conflict and criticism as to how we believe the topic will best be portrayed while still satisfying both of our writing styles Writing Process: Strengths and Challenges HomeHome About Us Project Description What We’ve Learned English 110 Objective ExampleAbout UsProject DescriptionWhat We’ve LearnedEnglish 110 ObjectiveExample
What We Have Learned Home About Us Project Description Writing Process: Strengths & Challenges English 110 Objective Example Learned more comprehensive information about the subject How to collaborate effectively as a team We learned surprising realities and became better informed citizens Learned from each other’s different writing styles and methods that are vital to further the credibility of our argument Challenging the opposition is a fulfilling, controversial, and thrilling experience that can be used to evoke new perspectives and possible change
English 110 Objective Home About Us Project Description Writing Process: Strengths & Challenges What We’ve Learned Example An appreciation for the capacity of writing to change oneself and the world We believe our project reflects this objective because of: Topic choice – it is a tangible issue within our generation and generations to come Writing process – an appreciation for its power to influence and enlighten so many individuals that can change oneself and the world
An Example of Our Paper’s Connection to the Present Our topic remains strongly prevalent in today’s society with the recent example of the Arizona Immigration Law Covering a different aspect of immigration and necessary reform, this law reflects the possibility of racial profiling: Requiring police to determine if a person is in the U.S. legally Requiring immigrants to have their alien registration documents at all times Requiring police to question people and determine if a reason exists to suspect one is in the U.S. illegally “America is a country that is compassionate and that welcomes everyone," says Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. "This is not what this country and this state was founded upon.” About Us Project Description What We’ve Learned English 110 Objective Writing Process:Strengths & Challenges Home