Tuesday, Aug. 26th What to do when you come in 1. Sit in your new groups 2. Put your homework on my desk: Make sure your name is on it. 3. Get out your 1 st Day of School Notes from yesterday. We need to finish this
Quotes from Yesterday To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child – Cicero *if you don’t learn history, you will not become mature *If you don’t know history then you will make other mistakes *By not learning of the history that occurred before your time is an ignorance that you will not grow from
Quotes from Yesterday “The aim of the historian, like that of the artist, is to enlarge our picture of the world, to give us a new way of looking at things.” – James Joll *Historians and artists try to show what it was like before there was technology to show us. Their job is to enlighten us about the past. *Historians can answer secrets of the world and help us understand the past of the world. They can open people's eyes like artists. *Historians and artists help people see things eaiser.
II. Everyday Classroom Procedures 1. Come in class quietly and on time. 2. Bring your binder everyday. 3. Follow directions the first time they are given. 4. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 5. Language must be polite, encouraging, and school appropriate. 6. All electronics are to be off and out of sight. 7. You will not be allowed to leave the room unless it is an emergency. **8. Respect each other and yourself.
III. CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning (or the Look!!!)
III. CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning (or the Look!!!) 2. Conference after class (during passing period).
III. CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning (or the Look!!!) 2. Conference after class (during passing period). 3. Parent contact.
III. CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning (or the Look!!!) 2. Conference after class (during passing period). 3. Parent contact minute d-hall (after school!!!) and parent contact.
III. CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning (or the Look!!!) 2. Conference after class (during passing period). 3. Parent contact minute d-hall (after school!!!) and parent contact. 5. Office referral.
IV. Tutorials 1. These will be offered before and after school. You will need to check the board each week to see what days I will be here early and staying after
V. Supplies 1. They are brought everyday to class
V. Supplies 1. They are brought everyday to class 2. You will need the following supplies by Tuesday, Sept. 3 1 subject spiral.
VI. Class Assignments 1. Class work /Homework 2. Participation grade 3. Tests 4. Quizzes 5. Projects
VII. Class work/Homework 1. Class work is to be turned in at the end of the period. 2. Homework-you will be given homework at least once a week in this class. 3. Class work/Homework/Quizzes count as 50%of your grade.
VIII. Tests and Projects 1. Your test grades will count as 50% of your grade 2. You will have at least three tests a six weeks.
IX. Make-up Work 1. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to ask me for your work.
IX. Make-up Work 1. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to ask me for your work. 2. If you miss notes you need to come in to get them or get them from a friend.
IX. Make-up Work 1. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to ask me for your work. 2. If you miss notes you need to come in to get them or get them from a friend. 3. You can also access my power points from each day on my website
IX. Make-up Work 1. If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to ask me for your work. 2. If you miss notes you need to come in to get them or get them from a friend. 3. You can also access my power points from each day on my website 4. Remember it is your responsibility!!!!!!
When Does American History Begin? 1. Read (to each other) the descriptions of different events that influence America. 2. After reading each description, individually, choose which event you feel is the beginning of American History. Write it on a sticky note along with why and put your name on it. 3. Share with your group and discuss. (Why did you chose this event?) 4. As a group choose one description and write a short answer that answers the question: “When Does American History Begin” 5. You will write your response on the notebook paper I give you. Justify (write which description and why you believe this is when America began) your answer with information that you read. 6. Example of how to start: Our group believes that ________________________ is the beginning of American History. We chose ____________________ because in the reading …..