AvidlyAbide Muse
by Jacob Bøtter Muse
by tshein Muse
by Vic Muse – (v) / [myooz]: to become absorbed in thought; to turn something over in the mind
by echofosberg
by epSos.de
by Tony Fischer Photography
by cking Meticulous – (adj) / [muh-tik-yuh-luhs]: excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous
Urbane by ElizaPeyton
Urbane – (adj) / [ur-beyn]: notably polite or polished in manner
Sagacity – (n) / [suh-gas-i-tee]: the quality of being keen in judgment by Gage Skidmore
by emilio labrador
by FutUndBeidl Edify
by Vic Muse – (v) / [myooz]: to become absorbed in thought; to turn something over in the mind
by cking Meticulous – (adj) / [muh-tik-yuh-luhs]: excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous
Urbane – (adj) / [ur-beyn]: notably polite or polished in manner
Sagacity – (n) / [suh-gas-i-tee]: the quality of being keen in judgment by Gage Skidmore