Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge Here, my first grade students used the Big 6 Research Method to investigate their research questions. We used databases and print materials to conduct our research. As a final product to our research, we created books using Mixbook. Mixbook “I was surprised to learn that most German people live in apartments. I wonder why?” –Grace, 1 st grade student
Reflection 1 The students were successful in completing this project. They were very thoughtful about their research, and adjusted their topic and questions based upon what they had learned during the research process. I retrieved copyright free photos for them and uploaded them to Mixbook. They chose the backgrounds and placement of the photos. Finally, they reflected and thought about what information they found the most surprising during the process.Mixbook For next time, I would use web 2.0 tools for note taking like Evernote. I think that would solve the copyright and citation issues we had during our project.Evernote Used Big 6 Research Process Involved Reflection and Refining of search Utilize Mixbook to express learning to peers.Mixbook Necessary Citation component in EvernoteEvernote
Standard 2: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge This project outlines a reading, researching, writing and creating unit based on the book Charlie's Super Hero Underpants for the third grade. After reading the book and previewing a Google Lit Trip, students rewrite the story by researching five places around the world and animals that one could encounter in those locations. Students will then create a Google Lit Trip of their own story to share with peers. I will utilize this next year with our Mosaics teacher.
Reflection 2 As we worked with Google Earth, we realized that students could potentially cut and paste their story with pictures into the pop-up boxes. Simple text is quite easy to add but anything else requires a small amount of HTML knowledge, which most third grade are not ready for yet. While complex pop-up boxes are not a required element for my third grade students during this unit, it is something to consider for use with older students. When we first started this project, we thought that we would add a visual storytelling/book-making element but decided that the time frame that we have to work with students in the library media center is too short to include it. We encountered some difficulties while learning to use Google Earth. Prior to this we had only used it to look at pictures of locations like our houses. It really had a lot more capabilities than that, with some patience, we were able to figure out all of the functions that were needed to create a Lit Trip. Google Earth has potential for the classroom and library in a Lit Trip Might require complex HTML code with possible uses for older classes Considered a digital story telling component to the unit, but found that it would be too involved. Google Earth was a bit difficult to navigate at first…but worth the result, but files can only be read in Google Earth and requires a software download Google earth
Standard 3: Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society Assignment Performance Task (s): (with your group) Students will select one event from the Westward Expansion and create a wiki page (using internet resources listed for information and graphics) to demonstrate what life was like during this time period and traveling on a wagon train. Constructed Response: (on your own) If you lived during this time period would you have chosen to go on a wagon train? Why or why not? (Write as if you were really alive then. This should be a few journal/diary entries.) Support your answer by using information you learned about the pioneers and the westward movement. Include: hardships of pioneer life AND hardships of the native people. Westward Expansion Wiki
Reflection 3 For this project I collaborated with a fourth grade teacher. This was the first attempt for this teacher using Wikispaces to create a space where students can use their critical thinking skills. She loved the concept and the flexibility of the site, but did not fully utilize discussion function. In a later project, she did use the discussion function to share about their findings and thought when reading Hard Gold by Avi.Wikispaces Created Content and Shared it with the class Used Wikispaces to critically think about their decision to move or not to move West In the next Wiki, we moved into the discussion of the pages’ content, where the students could collaborate and share information and ideas. We also had to be good digital citizens and respect the opinions of others and treat each other courteously in the digital world.
Standard 4: Pursue personal and aesthetic growth The connections between art and math are strong and frequent, yet few students are aware of them. This lesson is integrated with history and art to enlighten students about Greek geometric and M. C. Escher's work in tessellations. Students will use the links above to view, experiment, and create a rough draft of the tessellation desired to create in the art class. The students will create it and copy it into a word document, save it as a picture and upload it to a Wikispaces for others to comment on and constructively critique. Student will then respond to the comments and change their tessellations where appropriate.Wikispaces View Tessellations Experiment with tessellation Create a final product
Reflection 4 This lesson is intended to be collaboration between the math classroom and the art classroom at the 5 th grade level. Students will be use prior knowledge about geometric shapes in the math classroom and will view primary sources in art of geometry and tessellation in art. Outside of or after school students will use the Wikispaces software to interact with tessellation websites and collaborate with peers on experimenting with tessellations. From this interaction students will create an individual computer generated tessellation pattern; they will post their work for critique and discussion using Wikispaces. After they have contributed and adjusted their work, they will print it and recreate the tessellation during their art classroom time. Finally the students will write up a summary of their experiences and work and discuss their process using the Wikispaces.Wikispaces Combines Math and Art with Technology for personal growth Utilizes collaborative software to offer feedback Utilizes a paperless area to experience tessellation
Conclusion Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Big 6 Mixbook Project Required students to indentify an inquiry, gain knowledge and share that knowledge in a way that best fits their learning. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Google Lit Trip Students had to take information learned during their research of places in the world and create a Lit trip to demonstrate their new knowledge about their travels and why they decided to pick those places for their book. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Westward Expansion Wiki Project Students had to share information that they had learned regarding Westward Expansion. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Math and Art Students utilize web 2.0 tools to view and experiment with tessellations to learn more about Geometry and Art History.