CONTENTS 1.Technology Paradigms a.Old Paradigm example b.Old Energy Paradigm, Model, Costs and Status c.New Paradigm example d.New Energy Paradigm 2.Key Points a.The energy evolution/revolution is coming –SMARTGRID (ENERNET) b.Technology and Enterprise liberty applied to energy c.Energy revenue increase and kWh cost decrease 3.Summary a.Large Centralized Generators and monopolies no longer provide cost efficient energy. b.You embraced 4G communications, learn about the new energy technology and promote it. c.Tell the policy makers that you want the positive environmental and economic benefits of 2G energy. Energy and the new Paradigm Richard F. “Scott” Schroeder Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy 1
Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy Old paradigm example 2
Old Energy paradigm Business and architectural model 3 The Evolution of the Smart Grid – Parts I to IV with Steven Collier
Old Energy Paradigm costs are rising 4 The Evolution of the Smart Grid – Parts I to IV with Steven Collier
Old Energy Paradigm status 5 The Evolution of the Smart Grid – Parts I to IV with Steven Collier
New paradigm example 6 Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the 2014 Broward Go Solar Fest © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy
7 GRID TIE SYSTEMS Solar panels produce electricity and this energy is used during the day by you or by your neighbor. Energy is drawn from the grid when you use more that the PV system can produce or it is night or a cloudy day. Grid Tie Systems are connected to your electric service and your electric meter ‘runs backwards’ when solar production exceeds your real time usage. Typical Photovoltaic System Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy
Net-metering" is a simplified method of metering the energy consumed and produced at a home or business. Net metering enables customers to use their own generation to offset their consumption over a billing period by allowing their electric meters to turn backwards when they generate electricity in excess of the their demand. Net metering programs serve as an important incentive for consumer investment in renewable energy generation. 8 Net Metering Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy
New energy paradigm result 9 Customer Name: RICHARD F SCHROEDER Service Dates: 03/12/2014 to 04/10/2014 Next Scheduled Read Date: 05/12/2014 Amount of your last bill Payment received - Thank you 40.21CR Balance before new charges $0.00 New charges (Rate: RS-1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ) Electric service amount 20.20** Storm charge 0.19 Gross receipts tax 0.52 Franchise charge 1.28 Utility tax 1.90 Total new charges $24.09 Total amount you owe $ Payments received after May 02, 2014 are considered late; a late payment charge, the greater of $5.00 or 1.5% of your past due balance will apply. Your account may also be billed a deposit adjustment kWh were sent to the grid this period. 208 kWh were applied to reduce your bill. Your kWh reserve increased by 0. The kWh in your reserve is 0 Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy
New energy paradigm example 10 Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy
New energy paradigm 11
Smart Grid – Each customer has a discrete domain comprised of electricity premises and two-way communications networks. A customer domain may also generate, store and manage the use of energy, as well as the connectivity with plug-in vehicles. The IEEE Smart Grid Model is a high-level framework for the grid that defines seven important domains: Bulk Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Customers, Operations, Markets and Service Providers. The new energy Paradigm based on Standards 12
New Energy Paradigm Key Points The 2G energy evolution/revolution is coming – Country, State, County and Local Smartgrid – Microgrid (campus or small town) – Combined Cooling Heating and power for buildings (AKA Co-generation) – Ubiquitous solar, wind and micro hydro electric generators – Ubiquitous storage instead of spinning capacity for renewable capacity factors Technology and Enterprise liberty applied to energy – SmartGrid is a roadmap for the graceful introduction and implementation of the 21 st Century energy architecture and energy business model. Small businesses can now enter the retail energy space. – Decreases energy dollar exports from a residence, business, town, city, county or the State. – Decreases energy imports to a residence, business, town, city, county or the State. – Distributed generation and storage along with microgrids will provide strategic geo-diversity. – Large numbers of small generators and storage, with SmartGrid management and smart regulations will return us to a decreasing kWh cost. Energy revenue will increase as kWh cost decreases – New services and features will be offered as the retail market is made available to entrepreneurs – Investors and entrepreneurs will fund this technology rollout, not RATEPAYERS! 13 Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy
New Energy Paradigm 14 The Evolution of the Smart Grid – Parts I to IV with Steven Collier
1.Large Centralized Generators and the monopolies that promote them are no longer the most cost effective model for supplying our growing electric energy requirements. 2.Just as you embraced 4G communications, make it a priority to learn about the new energy technology and promote its application. 3.Imagine the positive environmental and economic impacts of 2G energy and let the policy makers know that you want this new technology and a new energy business model! Summary 15 Energy and the new Paradigm; Prepared for the Broward Go Solar Fest 2014 © 2014 Schroeder Solar Energy